Hamas’s propaganda war 84

Here is how Hamas fights its war – by deceitful propaganda, the only way it can win. What it wins is the sympathy of the gullible. What it will win beyond that remains to be seen. Our expectation is that the plight of the Palestinians can only get worse until the world stops helping the Arabs to keep them as bleeding beggars and starts insisting that they be integrated into some of the 21 existing Arab states. Jordan especially, created by the British to be the Arab Palestinian state, should accept all of the West Bank Arabs. We would like to see a one-state solution: Israel from the Jordan to the Med. Gaza could be a fine seaside vacation resort.

But back to Hamas propaganda. We have taken pictures and comments from myrightword.

First, some Hamas terrorists are killed by an Israeli hit outside a school. (The media reports claim that the school was hit. It wasn’t.)

Note, there’s no girl here:


Nor here:


Still in pre-shoot production stage:


Almost ready. They find the body of a little girl and bring her to the site:


Fitting her into the scene:



“Okay, is this the shot we want?


Finally, here’s a video clip of the staging of the scene. Note that the photographers and reporters are perfectly aware of what is being done, and co-operate fully with the deception.


A much more detailed analysis of the pictures can be found here.  It proves that:

The hit took place outside the school.

The bodies were then moved inside the school gates.

At least one of the “dead” men was not dead.

The little girl was not only not dead but not even injured.