Come, let us boast that we are bigots 100

Full-time, no-rest zealots of the Left scream “Racist!” and “Bigot!” at any and all who dare to argue with them about anything. Not to be a Leftist, in their dull understanding, is to be a racist, a bigot, a xenophobe, a deplorable, a slave owner, a colonialist, an imperialist, or Trump. There are no other possibilities. You are either a Leftist or all of those things.

If that is the case, has it not become imperative to be those things? As far as we can. Okay, not slave owners. And, sadly, we cannot all be Trump.

Bruce Bawer writes at Gatestone:

From December 15 to March 15, churches in the diocese of Gothenburg will be used at night as shelters for the homeless. Lovely idea. But there is a catch. The only homeless people who will be allowed in are foreigners – either immigrants from elsewhere in the EU, who are by definition legal, or illegal immigrants from outside the EU. In other words, native Swedes need not apply, even though the initiative is being paid for by taxpayer money. The argument for this policy — which represents an expansion and formalization of a practice that began two winters ago — is that it is designed to help people who are not covered by the Swedish welfare system. But this argument does not hold up. One reason there are so many immigrants in Sweden, both legal and illegal, is that the country’s welfare system is a bonanza for foreigners.

Far from not being covered by the system, immigrants often enjoy preferential treatment. Last fall, for example, it was reported that several Swedish municipalities were passing over hardworking citizens who had waited several years to rent government-owned housing, and were giving the homes instead — for free — to unemployed, newly-arrived immigrants. Some Swedes actually stirred from their torpor and angrily criticized this policy, but the protest was to no avail: the Swedish Parliament had passed a law compelling local governments to put foreigners at the top of their waiting lists.

That the Swedish Parliament could pass such a law is, of course, a scathing indictment of its welfare system’s priorities. So is the fact that there are, as it happens, a great many ethnic Swedes living and begging on the streets of its cities, and – in the winter – huddling in the doorways of stores and offices, wrapped in layers of blankets at night, in hope of keeping alive in the subfreezing cold. The same disgraceful situation can be observed in the major cities of Norway and Denmark.

These Swedes should not be on the streets. The Scandinavian welfare states were founded on a compact between the citizens and their government: the people would pay outrageously high taxes, and in return their government would guarantee them a magnificent safety net should they get sick or get fired. But ever since these countries chose to open their doors to mass Muslim immigration, that compact has been broken.

Yes, the citizens are still being forced to pay for the welfare system – but that system no longer has their backs. The people in authority, from the highest-ranking national leaders down to the lowest local bureaucrats, would seem to have forgotten for whom they work. In a way, it makes sense: After all, a state-employed paper-pusher who gives citizens something for which they have already paid can hardly feel particularly virtuous, whereas handing out free stuff to aliens who have done absolutely nothing to deserve it can make that same government paper-pusher feel like a world-class Good Samaritan.

Yes, the long soak in Christianity has a lot to do with this self-martyrdom and toleration of foreign parasites.

What is even more shattering than this state of affairs is that millions of those Scandinavian citizens accept it.

Marinated from birth in multiculturalism, millions of them dare not demand what they have coming to them – what they have paid for, what they deserve – lest they be viewed by others, and even by themselves, as bigots.

Fear of being called a bigot – or a racist –  in the Western world has become the Fear of Fears. It is so great a fear that people will let their little girls be gang-raped for years by Muslims in Rotherham, England, rather than risk being called one or both of those things. Americans have not reported seeing their Muslim neighbors shifting artillery into their garages in preparation for a terrorist attack rather than risk being taunted as “racist’ by the police and Michelle Obama.

And Bruce Bawer tells us that Swedes choose to expose themselves to the furies of the Northern winter and die of cold and hunger in the streets, rather than say a word against the Muslim strangers occupying the shelter they, the shivering homeless, have paid for. Because death is preferable to having the mark of BIGOT stuck on their foreheads and the sign RACIST hung round their necks.

What can we do about this? How many must die at the hands of Muslim terrorists, or starve and perish in the cold of welfare states, before the cry of “Enough!” rings through the civilized lands?

Has not the time come for us – who have always stood for universal freedom and equality before the law – to stand up and declare: “What you believe are bigotry and racism are actually GOOD! Yes, yes, we are indeed BIGOTS by your definition. Certainly we are.”

An announcement. A new slogan for the sudden rebels of the conservative Right:

We are all BIGOTS now – and proud of it! 

Posted under Islam, jihad, Leftism, Muslims, Sweden by Jillian Becker on Thursday, December 7, 2017

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