Whose human rights? 228

Read here how a man who devotes his life to terrorism and every kind of cruel violence, a promoter of murder and torture, is to be sheltered, supported, and guarded at public expense in Britain, in the name of human rights.

Posted under Uncategorized by Jillian Becker on Thursday, May 8, 2008

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We were posted on Rants n’ Raves 420

We have been posted on Rants n’ Raves, a forum of some sort.

They posted about our old review of Anne Coulter’s book Godless. The review, according to them, is “full of shit and bile”.

To those at Rants n’ Raves, I would like to say thank you for feeding the flow of our Google juice.

And, if you want to argue a point, don’t insult your opponent. Present your argument against us in a reasonable way and we will be happy to debate with you.

Abuse is not an argument.

If you would like to read their comments about us, the post can be found at http://rantsnraves.org/showthread.php?t=961

Posted under Uncategorized by Jillian Becker on Thursday, May 8, 2008

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This post has 420 comments.


Unshackled! 555

While surfing the internet, I found this little gem: "Unshackled!", a podcast which consists of ominous organ music, stiff Christain morals, and bad acting.

According to this podcast, doing housework makes you a ‘fag,’ Atheists sing derogatory songs about Jesus and philosophize all day, and all gay people aren’t actually gay and can be saved by Jesus.

Their website also says that they are broadcast around the world 6,500 times each week on over 1,550 different radio stations. So that the word of Jesus can be heard by all, it is translated into many different languages, including Arabic, so that even Zawahiri can enjoy the word of Jesus while he blows up innocent people.

So if you have some time to waste, take a listen.

Posted under Uncategorized by Jillian Becker on Thursday, May 8, 2008

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Adopt-a-terrorist 717

Ever wondered what the Christian idea to solve the problem of terrorism is? Adopt-a-terrorist for prayer! Simply choose a terrorist, and pray for his conversion to Christianity.

According to this website, this will help

  1. Bring spiritual resources to bear in a struggle that’s been mostly material up to this point. 
  2. Keep Americans and soldiers from dehumanizing Muslims in general.
  3. Demonstrate the difference between the Christian radicals and God and the equivalents in Islam.
  4. Challenge the terrorists to a spiritual power encounter revealing whose God is stronger.
  5. Defeat terrorism as "Damascus Road" experiences result when God starts answering these prayers.

So now we can all look forward to Muslim terrorism being brought to an end.

Posted under Uncategorized by Jillian Becker on Thursday, May 8, 2008

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This post has 717 comments.


Obama and Hamas 352

Obama’s church gives aid and comfort to the terrorist organization Hamas.

Read about it here.

Posted under Uncategorized by Jillian Becker on Thursday, May 8, 2008

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This post has 352 comments.


Obama’s Racism 343

Here’s a short piece (second item down) on Obama’s self-exonerating speech about Jeremiah Wright’s hate-preaching and how he – Obama – cannot repudiate the preacher. It’s precisely to the point.

Posted under Uncategorized by Jillian Becker on Thursday, May 8, 2008

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This post has 343 comments.


Giving away U.S. Sovereignty 264

This ‘Obama bill’ would empower the UN to tax Americans directly so that more money will flow from US citizens into the private bank accounts of Third World dictators.

Posted under Uncategorized by Jillian Becker on Thursday, May 8, 2008

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Islam conquers The Pentagon 5

Bad news! Islam is still leading gullible fools in the Pentagon along the path of self-destruction, while the loyal and excellent researcher who brings proofs of Islam’s threat to America is to be sent away in disgrace – at Islam’s behest.

Read about it here.

Posted under Uncategorized by Jillian Becker on Thursday, May 8, 2008

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This post has 5 comments.


Behold our Enemy 157

12 Year old boy beheads man.

This is one of the last frames of a video showing a 12 year old Taliban boy beheading an alleged spy. The fact that beheadings are carried out is sickening enough, but to brainwash a child to carry out such an act and actually enjoy it is mind-blowing.

This video is a reminder that we cannot apply the conventional rules of war to Islam. You cannot apply the Geneva convention to people who believe that when they die they go to Paradise and get 72 virgins, to people who willingly fire from mosques and hospitals, and as shown in the video teach their young to murder and kidnap.

And yet, in the West, we become outraged when a Muslim who was caught trying to kill those protecting our cherished freedoms is dressed up in women’s underwear or is blindfolded when he is captured on the battlefield. We tie the hands of our men and women in uniform behind their backs by making them think twice about pulling the trigger in case of court martial. If only the blind fools running the mainstream media could see the horrors that the followers of Islam carry out every day.

And so, with that, I offer to you the entire uncensored video, so you can see for yourself what these vile people do on a daily basis to those who do not agree with their ideology.

Needless to say, the video is EXTREMELY GRAPHIC AND DISTURBING. So please, if you do not wish to see such things, even though they are the truth, then proceed no further.

Once again, the video is EXTREMELY GRAPHIC. There are also pornographic pictures on the page, however if you do not have the stomach for pornography then you certainly don’t have the stomach for this.

For those who have been warned and have braced themselves for the worst, the video can be found here.

Posted under Uncategorized by Jillian Becker on Thursday, May 8, 2008

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This post has 157 comments.

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