Antifa and the suicide of nations 21
Those innumerable politicians, historians, journalists, television pundits and other opinion-dealers who allowed the Left to get away with the claim that fascism is the opposite of communism – despite their knowing better – made a devastating mistake. Because of it, new generations learning that fascism is bad logically assume that ergo communism is good.
Communism and fascism are collectivist and aim to be totalitarian. Communism is fascist.
What is not fascist is freedom. Only freedom. Freedom includes the free market, which communists prefer to call capitalism, to them a pejorative term.
Soeren Kern writes at Gatestone:
In the United States, Antifa’s ideology, tactics and goals, far from being novel, are borrowed almost entirely from Antifa groups in Europe, where so-called anti-fascist groups, in one form or another, have been active, almost without interruption, for a century.
Antifa can be described as a transnational insurgency movement that endeavors, often with extreme violence, to subvert liberal democracy, with the aim of replacing global capitalism with [global] communism. Antifa’s stated long-term objective, both in America and abroad, is to establish a communist world order. In the United States, Antifa’s immediate aim is to bring about the demise of the Trump administration. …
A common tactic used by Antifa in the United States and Europe is to employ extreme violence and destruction of public and private property to goad the police into a reaction, which then “proves” Antifa’s claim that the government is “fascist”. …
Germany’s BfV domestic intelligence agency, in a special report on left-wing extremism, noted:
Antifa’s fight against right-wing extremists is a smokescreen. The real goal remains the “bourgeois-democratic state”, which, in the reading of left-wing extremists, accepts and promotes “fascism” as a possible form of rule and therefore does not fight it sufficiently. Ultimately, it is argued, “fascism” is rooted in the social and political structures of “capitalism”. Accordingly, left-wing extremists, in their “antifascist” activities, focus above all on the elimination of the “capitalist system”.
… In an essay, What Antifa and the Original Fascists Have In Common, Antony Mueller, a German professor of economics who currently teaches in Brazil, described how Antifa’s militant anti-capitalism masquerading as anti-fascism reveals its own fascism:
After the left has pocketed the concept of liberalism and turned the word into the opposite of its original meaning, the Antifa-movement uses a false terminology to hide its true agenda. While calling themselves “antifascist” and declaring fascism the enemy, the Antifa itself is a foremost fascist movement. The members of Antifa are not opponents to fascism but themselves its genuine representatives. Communism, Socialism and Fascism are united by the common band of anti-capitalism and anti-liberalism. The Antifa movement is a fascist movement. The enemy of this movement is not fascism but liberty, peace and prosperity.
The modern Antifa movement derives its name from a group called Antifaschistische Aktion, founded in May 1932 by Stalinist leaders of the Communist Party of Germany. The group was established to fight fascists, a term the party used to describe all of the other pro-capitalist political parties in Germany. The primary objective of Antifaschistische Aktion was to abolish capitalism, according to a detailed history of the group. …
During the post-war period, Germany’s Antifa movement reappeared in various manifestations, including the radical student protest movement of the 1960s, and the leftist insurgency groups that were active throughout the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s.
The Red Army Faction (RAF), also known as the Baader-Meinhof Gang, was a Marxist urban guerrilla group that carried out assassinations, bombings and kidnappings aimed at bringing revolution to West Germany, which the group characterized as a fascist holdover of the Nazi era. Over the course of three decades, the RAF murdered more than 30 people and injured over 200.
After the collapse of the communist government in East Germany in 1989-90, it was discovered that the RAF had been given training, shelter, and supplies by the Stasi, the secret police of the former communist regime.
It was “discovered” much earlier than that. My book, Hitler’s Children: the Story of the Baader-Meinhof Terrorist Gang*, first published in 1977, reveals that fact.
John Philip Jenkins, Distinguished Professor of History at Baylor University, described the group’s tactics, which are similar to those used by Antifa today:
The goal of their terrorist campaign was to trigger an aggressive response from the government, which group members believed would spark a broader revolutionary movement.
RAF founder Ulrike Meinhof explained the relationship between violent left-wing extremism and the police: “The guy in uniform is a pig, not a human being. That means we don’t have to talk to him and it is wrong to talk to these people at all. And of course, you can shoot.”
Antifa and the RAF shared the same aim – Marxist totalitarianism. Ulrike Meinhof’s daughter, the journalist Bettina Röhl, sees “the modern Antifa” as “a continuation of the Red Army Faction”. She thinks “the main difference is that, unlike the RAF, Antifa’s members are afraid to reveal their identities”. But there are more important differences than that. The RAF never became a mass movement as Antifa has become. They were a small group – only a few dozen active members – and they used terrorist tactics: kidnapping and murdering individuals as “representatives” of the state or the “military-industrial complex” or capitalism; and putting time-bombs in department stores, a newspaper’s offices, a police station. Antifa (as Bettina Röhl rightly points out) threatens violence and attacks against politicians and police officers. But the movement has not (as yet) kidnapped or killed any of them. On the other hand, its riots have rocked a nation, while the RAF never managed to lead a riot though they would no doubt have liked to.
In sum, the RAF was more lethal than Antifa, but less politically effective.
Western governments are finding Antifa a major nuisance, a contributing cause of widespread civil unrest and what can even be called insurrection in America.
The Federal Republic of [West] Germany did not perceive the RAF as an insurrectionist threat. The government treated arrested leaders and members of the gang as the criminals they were. They were brought to trial, sentenced and imprisoned. The leaders committed suicide in prison – in such a manner as to indicate to their followers that they should claim they’d been murdered. That, they hoped, would provide “proof” of the “fascist” nature of the state, and cause such an outcry that it would spark a revolution. But the country remained unmoved by the deaths except perhaps to heave a collective sigh of relief that the pests were gone.
Germany, now including the former Communist “Democratic Republic”, has changed since those days, and much for the worse. Its so-called “conservative” government is now well over on the Left, as are almost all the “conservative” parties of Europe.
Proof of its leftward drift is provided by Bettina Röhl, as Soeren Kern reports:
In a June 2020 essay published by the Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung, [Bettina] Röhl … drew attention to the fact that Antifa is not only officially tolerated, but is being paid by the German government to fight the far right:
The flourishing left-wing radicalism in the West, which brutally strikes at the opening of the European Central Bank headquarters in Frankfurt, at every G-20 summit or every year on May 1 in Berlin, has achieved the highest level of establishment in the state, not least thanks to the support by quite a few MPs from political parties, journalists and relevant experts. …
MP Renate Künast (Greens) recently complained in the Bundestag that Antifa groups had not been adequately funded by the state in recent decades. She was concerned that “NGOs and Antifa groups do not [meaning should not] always have to struggle to raise money and can only conclude short-term employment contracts from year to year.” There was applause for this from Alliance 90/The Greens, from the left and from SPD deputies.
What can it mean if a state pays a rebel movement to destroy it? That apparently is what the German government is doing, or has done, and is being urged by some elected political leaders to do again more generously. We learn that the “conservative” dominated Bundestag – not just lunatic-fringe Green and Alliance 90 members, not just the socialist deputies – has been (however “inadequately”!), funding Antifa.
Do the Germans want to commit national suicide? Is their government trying to get the deed done in such a manner as to inspire all the nations of the West to do it too?
On the face of it the idea seems preposterous, impossible, absurd.
But Germany has already brought in its replacement population from the Middle East, Africa, and the Far East. It finances Antifa. Where Germany goes, there goes the EU. What Europe does, Britain and Canada do too.
Will America alone resist the rising red revolution?
Jillian Becker June 19, 2020
*Click on the ad for Hitler’s Children in our margin.
Talking sense about racism and religion 15
Two brilliant writers, the philosopher Coleman Hughes and the linguist John McWhorter, discuss racism.
They touch on the idea that there is such a thing as “racism without racists” (c.55.00).
Inter alia (c.21.50), McWhorter says firmly: “I am not agnostic. I am an atheist.”
Aspiring to prison 17
American parents are having their children educated, at enormous expense, to become bank robbers and murderers.
There are 20 million students in US universities. Of course not all of them will succeed in becoming criminals. A fair number will disappoint their professors, deans and principals, by becoming scientists, doctors, engineers, mathematicians, businessmen.
Such delinquents simply lack the capacity to benefit from higher education.
Here’s a glimpse of what they are taught, and what some fail to master:
Meira Svirsky explains at Clarion Project:
Protesters over the last few weeks have taught us, among other lessons, there is little room for dialogue or voicing of dissenting opinions in our body politic anymore.
In fact, many principled or simply well-meaning professionals, celebs and even business owners have been destroyed by what is now known as the “cancel culture”.
The question is, how are the protesters — by and large a group of twenty-somethings — driving the entire society?
The answer is that they are not alone. They are first and foremost being driven by their educators – public school teachers, college professors and those who have risen in the hierarchical ladder to become university administrators. Many are extremist ideologues who (rightly) figured out that if you want to change society, you have to influence the youth.
Take the case of the prestigious Stanford University. Its dean of students, Monica Hicks, recently sent out an email to students in which she effusively quoted Assata Shakur, a fugitive on the FBI’s most-wanted terrorists list.
In 1973, Shakur (born Joanne Chesimard) and two accomplices shot two police officers, killing one “execution-style” after being pulled over for committing a bank robbery.
Shakur was arrested, convicted and sent to prison in 1977. She escaped in 1979 when other domestic terrorists broke in to rescue her. She now resides in Cuba.
Dean Hicks’s email was a friendly missive wishing students well and safety – both from COVID-19 and violence — as they engage in the current protests.
Providing them encouragement and strength of heart (she herself was planning to “shelter-in-place”), she added what she called a “loving refrain” from Shakur at the end of her letter to the students.
Extract from the report in The College Fix about the Dean’s email:
She concluded the email by stating she appreciated the messages of support she has received and that, as a black woman, “I am also struggling to make meaning in our world today, but your humanity gives me hope — your energy, your education, your truth, and your purpose. … It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.
Meira Svirsky comments:
Quoting Shakur is particularly egregious considering that the protests are directed against police and the fact that at least two police officers have been killed by them and close to 400 wounded. …
She continues:
Another case worth mentioning is that of San Francisco State University’s (SFSU) Rabab Abdulhadi.
Abdulhadi was recently given the American Association of University Professors’ (AAUP) Georgina M. Smith Award in recognition of “her commitment to global scholarship that builds mutual understanding … evident in the collaborations she has initiated”.
Those “collaborations” include “cultivating ties with Hamas-dominated universities, trivializing the kidnapping and murder of Israeli high-schoolers and endorsing hate speech”, according to Canary Mission, a group that monitors and exposes antisemitism in academia.
While leading a mission to “Palestine” (which was funded by SFSU), Abdulhadi also “collaborated” with Leila Khaled and Sheikh Raed Salah, both of whom are affiliated with U.S.-designated terrorist organizations.
Abdulhadi, a founding member of the antisemitic Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) Movement against Israel also believes that Jews who favor the existence of Israel should not be allowed at the university at all.
Teachers who do not keep up with the New Violence movement in education are not wanted in the profession:
Those that don’t adhere to the current cancel culture’s strict rules of what constitutes acceptable behavior have found their heads on the chopping blocks.
UCLA just launched an investigation into a lecturer [W. Ajax Peris] for reading to his class Martin Luther King’s famous Letter from Birmingham Jail and showing a documentary that included a description of lynching. …
After students complained that the reading of the letter and the description of lynching caused them distress, Peris was swiftly condemned by the chair of the political science department as well as two other department heads. His case has already been referred to the university’s Discrimination Prevention Office, which urged students to come forward with more complaints.
Bowing to the mob, Peris issued both written and video apologies, which did nothing to stop calls for his firing.
Another UCLA professor, Gordon Klein, is now living under police protection after he rejected a request by a black student to postpone the final exam for minority students. Klein, who has been teaching at UCLA for decades, told the student that such a policy a would not follow principles of equality (and rather, would be racist in itself).
For having such an opinion, Klein received death threats on social media, credible enough that he is now living under police protection. In the meantime, he has been removed from teaching and is being investigated by the dean for his “troubling” behavior.
UCLA apologized to Klein’s students for his “inexcusable” and “very hurtful sentiments”.
Cases like these have abounded over recent years.
Many more examples could be given, but you get the idea.
Parents: don’t think of prison as a dead-end career, even if a prestigious one. Your graduate cum laude will soon be released, have the right to vote for Democrats, and will almost certainly be offered a job in a prestigious university from where xir can send out more bright young felons into the revolutionized world that was once the federal republic of the USA.
Can we not keep the Republic? 95
Is liberal democracy a failure?
Is the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) in Seattle a no-go area just like the Muslim no-go areas in Europe?
Is it, as it purports to be, a state?
Will the democratically elected authorities of the city and the state of Washington capitulate to the demands of the secessionists?
If they do, will the same thing happen in other cities?
Christopher F. Rufo writes in City Journal:
Seattle’s hard-Left secessionist movement has claimed its first territory: six blocks in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. …
The Seattle City Council has already begun to champion the protesters’ demands. … Three councilmembers have signaled support for a 50 percent reduction in the police budget, with additional councilmembers likely to support a similar policy in the coming weeks. …
The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone has set a dangerous precedent: armed left-wing activists have asserted their dominance of the streets and established an alternative political authority over a large section of a neighborhood. They have claimed de facto police power over thousands of residents and dozens of businesses—completely outside of the democratic process.
In a matter of days, Antifa-affiliated paramilitaries have created a hardened border, established a rudimentary form of government based on principles of intersectional representation, and forcibly removed unfriendly media from the territory.
The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone is an occupation and taking of hostages: none of the neighborhood’s residents voted for Antifa as their representative government. Rather than enforce the law, Seattle’s progressive political class capitulated to the mob and will likely make massive concessions over the next few months. This will embolden the Antifa coalition—and further undermine the rule of law in American cities.
It would be easy to put an end to CHAZ. But the governing Democrats seem reluctant to do so. Some are even keen to defend its existence.
So is the United State of America beginning to disintegrate?
If President Trump is returned to power in November, and the Republicans keep the Senate and regain the House of Representatives, then the answer will be no.
But if the Socialist Democratic Party comes to power over the whole country, will disintegration not perhaps be the best of all possible appalling outcomes?
Profound reflections 26
Two of America’s greatest thinkers, Glenn Loury and John McWhorter in discussion:
Glenn Loury, an economist, academic, and author, was the first black tenured professor of Economics in the history of Harvard University. He is now Professor of the Social Sciences and Professor of Economics at Brown University.
John McWhorter is Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University and the author of many books on linguistics. He is an atheist.
Investors in revolution 132
The excellence of President’s Trump’s agenda for America is proved by the intensity of violence his totalitarian enemies are using against it.
Many now are the rioting arsonists, shooters, smashers, looters, destroyers the totalitarian movements have gathered and mobilized. Fewer, but all too numerous, are the successful capitalists who provide the activists with money for their anti-capitalist campaigns.
Project Veritas secretly filmed interviews with organizers of the terrorist organization RefuseFa, an Antifa twin aiming at Communist revolution in the US. They say what they intend and why, and reveal two sources of their funding:
A Biden in a basement, abidin’ in abasement 97
Joe Biden says he’s looking for someone who is “ready to be president on day one”.
It has been conjectured by many a conservative columnist that the Democrats’ plan is: Put up Biden as our candidate; let the person we really want to be president be his running mate; let him sit in the Oval Office for a month or so; finally he steps down for health reasons and the VP takes over.
Some have even dared to say that the old boy might be “suicided”.
But now he himself is saying that no sooner will he enter the Oval Office than he will pull out the chair at the desk for his VP and let her take over immediately. With what excuse he’ll make his exit is still open to imaginative suggestions.
But will his family allow him to give up the top job?
The journalist Jani Allan sent us her view of Biden and the Biden family racket:
The Democrats’ nominee for the presidency is settled. It’s Joe Biden.
This is stop-the-world lunacy.
No sooner had Biden been named as the nominee, but Tara Reade came forward accusing Joe of deep sexual impropriety when she was working for him. What? Joe Biden, the newly-minted Democratic nominee, who for so many years worked consistently to undermine due process of law for those accused of sexual misconduct; Joe Biden the re-definer of sexual consent on campus under Title IX, causing the demonization of a generation of young men; Joe Biden, famous for his role as the champion of feminism, the white knight and savior of women? Yes, that Joe Biden, now seen in countless videos inappropriately touching, kissing, hugging and sniffing women and young girls.
He spends his days in his basement in Delaware. Requests for interviews or comments are like a ball hitting a brick wall. When he has been allowed out, he has been a public relations fiasco. He looks pink and glazed as a marzipan pig. He blusters and talks nonsense.
He is corrupt, and every member of his family has profited hugely from his corruption.
Corruption allegations against him include the charge that his son Hunter Biden was involved in two billion-dollar deals with Chinese government-connected firms in a twenty-month period while his father was vice-president of the United States.
So it is not surprising that Joe Biden’s attitude to China remains biased. Chummy, even – much to the chagrin of U.S. allies in the region.
Why only last year while on the campaign trail, he said “Come on man, they’re not bad folks, folks, but guess what, they’re not competition for us.”
Given China’s human rights record, Sleepy Joe’s authority and credibility shrivelled like muslin in a flame. But still the Democratic Party banked on his “experience, wide appeal, and association with President Obama.” And they say he is a man of integrity.
Then there is his brother Frank Biden. On August 14, 1999, when his driver’s license was suspended, Frank was handling the stick shift of a sports car while a friend was in the driver’s seat. They were doing 80 mph in a 35 mph zone.
Michael Albano, a 37-year-old father raising two daughters alone, was crossing the street. Their speeding car hit and killed him. They kept on driving.
The guardians of the Albano daughters sued Frank Biden in court in 2000 in a “wrongful death” civil lawsuit. Frank never showed up. The final court judgement in September 2002 said that Frank Biden owed each of the girls $275,000 for his role in the tragedy.
Investigators couldn’t find any bank accounts connected to Frank. Eight years later the girls reached out to Joe. Joe himself didn’t respond. He had a lackey write to them.
As of September 2019, the Albano daughters had still not been paid the judgement debt.
But Speaker Nancy Pelosi and all her gang say Joe Biden is a man of integrity.
The statue of a General, the stature of a man 159
It is seldom that we draw attention to something that happened in a church.
Today we do, because we are against the destruction of historical monuments, and destroying monuments is what ignorant mobs are doing in the name of anti-racism. It is sheer philistine vandalism.
Breitbart reports:
A judge in Richmond, Virginia, on Monday temporarily blocked Gov. Ralph Northam’s order to tear down a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee that has towered over a traffic circle since it was erected 130 years ago.
General Robert E. Lee is a towering figure in American history.
Was he an incurable racist? Was he unwilling to accept the consequences of the defeat of the Confederacy, whose soldiers he had led in the civil war?
If the following story is true, then the opposite was the case. We quote from Praying with Robert E. Lee by Joseph Pierro:
As was true of all Southern whites, those living in Richmond, Virginia, were struggling to come to terms with their changed circumstances in the spring of 1865. In the space of only a few weeks, they had witnessed the total collapse of their political, economic and social order. …
Congregants gathered inside St. Paul’s Episcopal Church one Sunday in June for weekly services. One of those in attendance, having walked from his Franklin Street home around the corner from the church, was Robert E. Lee.
Presiding over the devotions was the Rev. Dr. Charles Minnegerode, the church’s rector for almost a decade. …
Now, as Minnegerode … attempted to administer the sacrament, upheavals in temporal affairs elbowed their way once more into the spiritual domain. When the front ranks of the congregation rose from their seats, a well-dressed black man advanced to the altar and knelt before the railing to receive Communion. In that instant, centuries-old conventions of racial hierarchy and social propriety were being cast aside, and it literally paralyzed the attendees. There was absolute silence in the church for some moments, as the remainder of the communicants remained fixed in their seats. Minnegerode himself stood motionless, uncertain how to respond to this sudden, palpable demonstration of all that Confederate defeat signified.
Then, without a word, General Lee rose from his family pew midway down the length of the church on its eastern side. He strode down the aisle to the chancel rail and kneeled reverently alongside the stranger. The lesson was unmistakable and the effect magical. The living embodiment of the South had pronounced by his action an acceptance of racial coexistence, rejecting the differences between black and white in favor of a shared Christian identity. Lee’s fellow parishioners, who moments before would have recoiled at such a suggestion, followed their old commander’s example and began to do likewise.
The story appears in numerous biographies. It fits comfortably within the larger narrative of Lee as the symbol of sectional reconciliation, the Virginian-turned-American, the reluctant warrior who, having failed to lead his people to victory, demonstrated by his public behavior a willing acceptance of postwar realities.
We wish we knew the name of the intrepid black man. We have searched for it without success. He too deserves to be remembered.
Why not with a monument?
Democrat rule 5
Wherever the Democrats govern there is anarchy, chaos, violence, terror, sickness, death and despair.
In the cities ruled by Democrats, the people – officially designated the Oppressed-and-Deprived – stagger about drugged and diseased. They sleep, pee, defecate, vomit, copulate, give birth and die on the filthy streets. Ragged unwashed children, many of them dosed with hormones to make them sterile, attend schools where they are taught nothing, insult and beat their teachers, and more often than not run off to join the addicts and muggers, stabbers, shooters and rapists among whom their unknown fathers presumably lurk, or whose corpses lie stinking in the heat or frost-bitten in the cold until the death wagons fetch them away to be shoved into ever roaring furnaces.
The windows of the stores are all broken, their shelves plundered empty since the Democrat rulers told the Oppressed-and-Deprived they could take whatever they wanted without paying for it. Hungry kids scavenge the slimy garbage bins to find scraps of food.
The jails hold only middle-aged polite men and women who once owned property now confiscated from them by the Social Justice Forces. They are incarcerated because they refused to pay the enormous taxes demanded of them by the ruling Democrats who would not use the money to employ a police force to keep their families safe from the thieves, rapists, arsonists, kidnappers, torturers and murderers who had been in the jails but were released by the Democrat dictators to join the Oppressed-and-Deprived on the streets. Nor would the dictators open the public purse to fund the mending and lighting of the streets or the cleaning of the reeking sewers. They use all the money they can extort to buy hallucinogens, alcohol, cannabis, guns and knives for the Oppressed-and-Deprived.
Public buildings, once grand, are now stained and decaying – those few that that have been spared by the busy arsonists. Capitols, mansions, halls stand unused among the charcoal ruins of art galleries and opera houses where the works of the Oppressors used to be displayed and performed. Pieces of the broken statues of old heroes who fought and died for their countrymen, toppled by the Oppressed-and-Deprived, litter the sidewalks and gutters. Their bronze faces hold the used needles of syringes in their nostrils, ears, and the sockets of their eyes.
The only structure in these cities that has no graffiti on its walls, has intact windowpanes and doors that open and shut, is a vast abortion clinic into which lines of swollen-bellied women shuffle all day long, and out of which they come in loose-hanging garments, their faces drawn and grey, their bare feet bloodied, to creep back to their tiny, leaking, plastic tents pitched on the concrete margins of the roaring roads.
The Democrats hope to extend their rule over the whole country after the elections later this year.
Mutiny 121
Former CIA Officer Bryan Dean Wright says to Fox News host Tucker Carlson that if Secretary of Defense Mark Esper opposes the Commander-in-Chief’s order that the military be deployed to suppress this ruinous insurrection led by Leftist thugs, Esper should “get the hell out of the Pentagon”.
Esper no doubt feels encouraged to defiance by the wild accusations made by former Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, who said President Trump was “dividing” Americans.
Breitbart reports that the White House deputy press secretary, Hogan Gidley, said Mattis’s criticism of Trump is “quite frankly appalling”, adding it is “fundamental misunderstanding” of what is occurring as some protests for George Floyd have turned violent.
It is egregious what’s going on. … This president is trying to unite a country. He has. He’s talked about the death of George Floyd, how sobering and sad he was when he saw the video, how angry it made him. He stood up in the Rose Garden and said I stand with the protesters who have the right to peacefully assemble, but I’m not going to allow lawlessness in this country. I want justice done in these cases, whether it be [for] Mr. [Ahmaud] Arbery in Georgia or Mr. [George] Floyd in Minnesota. He’s going to make sure that happens. In fact, he mobilized the DoJ and the FBI to expedite these cases to make sure that they were tried as civil rights cases as well. That’s important to him. He wants to make the American people know that he cares about each individual out there, and police brutality cannot be tolerated.
Mattis’s comment, Gidley said, was –
… a fundamental misunderstanding of what’s occurring. These cities are burned into the ground. … It’s obvious that the general doesn’t have a clue what’s going on in the American cities out there — or worse, turned a blind eye to it. The president is solely focused on uniting this country and actually bringing back safety and security in our American cities.
James Mattis was a great general, but neither he nor Mark Esper have been elected to conduct the affairs of the nation.
President Tump has been elected to do that, and Bryan Dean Wright’s indignant defense of the president and his order is fully justified.
Breitbart reports:
Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Friday [June 5, 2020] ordered National Guard troops in Washington, DC, to disarm and wear soft caps instead of helmets, an official told Breitbart News on Friday afternoon.
The official said the president told Attorney General Bill Barr that he wanted the National Guard to be armed so that they could protect themselves from rioters and looters coming in to the city, but Esper on his own told the D.C. National Guard leadership to take [away] the weapons of National Guardsmen who were coming in from other states.
“He’s not really on board with what the president is trying to do,” the official said.
The official said Esper also on his own directed the National Guard in D.C. to wear soft caps instead of helmets.
The National Guard said in response to a query, “Guardsmen supporting the civil disturbance are unarmed.”
Guardsmen supporting the civil disturbance?