Against our enemy Islam 81

Caolan Robertson speaks for hundreds of millions of us in the Western world AGAINST OUR ENEMY – ISLAM:

Posted under Britain, Islam, jihad, Muslims, Terrorism, United Kingdom by Jillian Becker on Tuesday, June 6, 2017

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The charitable progeny of a peaceful warlord 269

What’s new about the Islamization of Europe; atrocious acts of terrorism carried out by Muslims in the name of Islam; the importing by European governments of millions of Muslims; and the failure of those government to save their people from rape, sudden death, the sexual enslavement of their young daughters, and gradual political dominance by this alien savage enemy?

Nothing new. The suicide of the European nations goes on. And the lies the governments tell themselves and their people are repeated.

Yesterday, on Fox  News, Steve Hilton interviewed British Conservative MP Michael Gove in connection with the recent Muslim attacks in London.

In summary, Mr. Gove said that Islam is a religion of peace; that the billion and a half Muslims spread over the world are dedicated to … charity.

Sure, the giving of alms – zakat – is one of the five pillars of Islam. What Mr. Gove hadn’t bothered to find out is that the alms go only to Muslims, and much of it goes to funding terrorism. He also hadn’t chosen to notice that Muhammad was a warlord and Islam decrees that “holy war” – jihad – is every Muslim’s sacred duty. It must be waged against all who are not Muslim until everyone on earth has either submitted to Islam by converting to it or is paying it a mighty fine for daring to live on unconverted, or is dead. The entire history of Islam is an uninterrupted record of war and conquest, persecution and massacre. Never a peaceful moment in it. Oh, Mr. Gove mentions that there “had been strands of violence” in Islam’s past, but nothing like the violent movement there is now, he avers.

This violent movement, he tell us, is something called “Islamism” which is entirely different from Islam. [To find our numerous posts debunking this nonsense, put “Islam is Islam” into our search slot.] He traces it back to  … the twentieth century.

“Islamism”, he says very emphatically and authoritatively, “turns that generosity” – all that charity giving – “into resentment”. And what do “Islamists” resent? That Islam is in decline.

Thus the indiscriminate murder of dozens and the agonizing injury of many more in London in the last few days, by these “Islamists”. You see?

No, we don’t either.

Robert Spencer, who really does know what the history of Islam is, writes at Jihad Watch:

[The British Prime Minister] Theresa May says [there is] “far too much tolerance of extremism in our country,” and that “when it comes to taking on extremism and terrorism things need to change”. Then she repeats the same false and failed analysis, that the jihad “is a perversion of Islam”. Her refusal to identify the motivating ideology behind these jihad attacks means that she will never confront this enemy properly, and never deal with the real source of the incitement to violence. 

And the international Left, which has promoted the advance of Islam in the West – and to which all the ruling parties of Europe belong, even those that call themselves “conservative” – is happy to accept that Muslim terrorists will strike at any time in any public place, and advises us simply to accept that this is the new norm. (See here and here and here.) President Macron of France says we “should learn to live with terrorism”. And to die from it.

So there actually is something everyone acknowledges to be new: that it is normal in Western countries to live under the perpetual threat of sudden violent death at the hands of the charitable progeny of the peaceful warlord, Muhammad.