The grim future of Europe 89

The best thing that could happen tomorrow in Britain would be that nobody turns out to vote in the general election, as voters have no real choice between the two pusillanimous parties, both of which are intent on enabling the Islamization of Britain. But such a clear signal to the ruling class that the people won’t stand for the slow destruction of their nation a moment longer, will not be given. The amazingly leftist Conservative Party led by clueless Theresa May will be returned to government. And the slow suicide of Britain will continue. 

There is a resistance movement forming, under the courageous leadership of working-class Tommy Robinson. He is organizing a protest demo in Manchester on this coming Sunday June 11, 2017. Can he save Britain?

With or without resistance, because British governments have let Islam in and given it power, there will be blood.

Giulio Meotti writes at Gatestone:

In the four European countries most targeted by terror attacks – Britain, France, Belgium and Germany – the number of official extremists  has reached 66,000. That sounds like a real army, on active duty.

That is to say, 66,000 Muslims known to be involved with terrorism.

Throughout this article, wherever “extremist” and “Islamist” occur, “Muslim terrorist” or “jihadist” must be understood.

Intelligence officers have identified 23,000 Islamic extremists living in Britain as potential terrorists. The number reveals the real extent of the jihadist threat in the UK. The scale of the Islamist challenge facing the security services was disclosed after intense criticism that many opportunities to stop the Manchester suicide bomber had been overlooked.

French authorities are monitoring 15,000 Islamists, according a database created in March 2015 and managed by France’s Counter-Terrorism Coordination Unit. Different surveys estimate up to 20,000 French radical Islamists.

The number on Belgium’s anti-terror watch-list surged from 1,875 in 2010 to 18,884 in 2017. In Molenbeek, the well-known jihadist nest in the EU capital, Brussels, intelligence services are monitoring 6,168 Islamists. Think about that: 18,884 Belgian jihadists compared to 30,174 Belgian soldiers on active duty.

The number of potential jihadists in Germany has exploded from 3,800 in 2011 to 10,000, according to Hans-Georg Maassen, head of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Germany’s domestic intelligence service).

These Islamists have built a powerful infrastructure of terror inside Europe’s cities. These terror bases are self-segregated, multicultural enclaves in which extremist Muslims promote Islamic fundamentalism and implement Islamic law, Sharia – with the Tower Hamlets Taliban of East London; in the French banlieues [suburbs], and in The Hague’s “sharia triangle”, known as “the mini-caliphate”  in the Netherlands. These extremist Muslims can comfortably get their weapons from the Balkans, where, thanks to Europe’s open borders, they can travel with ease. They can also get their money from abroad, thanks to countries such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia. These Islamists can self-finance through the mosques they run, as well as get “human resources,” donated by unvetted mass migration coming through the Mediterranean.

23,000 potential jihadists in the UK, 18,000 in Belgium, 10,000 in Germany, 15,000 in France. What do these numbers tell us? There might be a war in Europe “within a few years”, as the chief of the Swedish army, General Anders Brännström, told the men under his command that they must expect.

Take what happened in Europe with the terror attacks from 1970 to 2015:

4,724 people died from bombings. 2,588 from assassinations. 2,365 from assaults. 548 from hostage situations. 159 from hijackings. 114 from building attacks. Thousands were wounded or missing.

Terrorism across Europe has killed 10,537 people in 18,803 reported attacks. And it is getting worse:

Attacks in 2014 and 2015 have seen the highest number of fatalities, which includes terrorists targeting civilians, government officials, businesses and the media, across Europe since 2004.

A jihadist takeover of Europe is no longer unthinkable. Islamic extremists are already reaping what they sowed: they successfully defeated Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen, the only two European candidates who really wanted to fight radical Islam. What if tomorrow these armed Islamists assault the Parliament in Rome, election polls in Paris, army bases in Germany or schools in London, in a Beslan-type attack?

The terrorists’ ransom is already visible: they have destabilized the democratic process in many European countries and are drafting the terms of freedom of expression. They have been able to pressure Europe into moving the battle-front from the Middle East to Europe itself. Of all the French soldiers engaged in military operations, half are deployed inside France; in Italy, more than half of Italian soldiers are used in “Safe Streets,” the operation keeping Italy’s cities safe.

After 9/11, the United States decided to fight the Islamists in Afghanistan and Iraq, not to have to fight them in Manhattan. Europe chose the opposite direction: it as if Europe had accepted to turn its own cities into a new Mosul.

If Europe’s leaders do not act now to destroy the enemy within, the outcome may well come to be an “Afghan scenario”, in which Islamists control part of the territory from where they launch attacks against cities. Europe could be taken over the same way Islamic State took over much of Iraq: with just one-third of Iraqi territory.

In any case Europe will be mainly Muslim soon, because the Muslim immigrants have many children and the indigenous peoples have few.

And because there is no real difference between “Islamism” and “Islam”.

So yes, the jihadist takeover of Europe is not unthinkable. It is Europe’s future.

The charitable progeny of a peaceful warlord 269

What’s new about the Islamization of Europe; atrocious acts of terrorism carried out by Muslims in the name of Islam; the importing by European governments of millions of Muslims; and the failure of those government to save their people from rape, sudden death, the sexual enslavement of their young daughters, and gradual political dominance by this alien savage enemy?

Nothing new. The suicide of the European nations goes on. And the lies the governments tell themselves and their people are repeated.

Yesterday, on Fox  News, Steve Hilton interviewed British Conservative MP Michael Gove in connection with the recent Muslim attacks in London.

In summary, Mr. Gove said that Islam is a religion of peace; that the billion and a half Muslims spread over the world are dedicated to … charity.

Sure, the giving of alms – zakat – is one of the five pillars of Islam. What Mr. Gove hadn’t bothered to find out is that the alms go only to Muslims, and much of it goes to funding terrorism. He also hadn’t chosen to notice that Muhammad was a warlord and Islam decrees that “holy war” – jihad – is every Muslim’s sacred duty. It must be waged against all who are not Muslim until everyone on earth has either submitted to Islam by converting to it or is paying it a mighty fine for daring to live on unconverted, or is dead. The entire history of Islam is an uninterrupted record of war and conquest, persecution and massacre. Never a peaceful moment in it. Oh, Mr. Gove mentions that there “had been strands of violence” in Islam’s past, but nothing like the violent movement there is now, he avers.

This violent movement, he tell us, is something called “Islamism” which is entirely different from Islam. [To find our numerous posts debunking this nonsense, put “Islam is Islam” into our search slot.] He traces it back to  … the twentieth century.

“Islamism”, he says very emphatically and authoritatively, “turns that generosity” – all that charity giving – “into resentment”. And what do “Islamists” resent? That Islam is in decline.

Thus the indiscriminate murder of dozens and the agonizing injury of many more in London in the last few days, by these “Islamists”. You see?

No, we don’t either.

Robert Spencer, who really does know what the history of Islam is, writes at Jihad Watch:

[The British Prime Minister] Theresa May says [there is] “far too much tolerance of extremism in our country,” and that “when it comes to taking on extremism and terrorism things need to change”. Then she repeats the same false and failed analysis, that the jihad “is a perversion of Islam”. Her refusal to identify the motivating ideology behind these jihad attacks means that she will never confront this enemy properly, and never deal with the real source of the incitement to violence. 

And the international Left, which has promoted the advance of Islam in the West – and to which all the ruling parties of Europe belong, even those that call themselves “conservative” – is happy to accept that Muslim terrorists will strike at any time in any public place, and advises us simply to accept that this is the new norm. (See here and here and here.) President Macron of France says we “should learn to live with terrorism”. And to die from it.

So there actually is something everyone acknowledges to be new: that it is normal in Western countries to live under the perpetual threat of sudden violent death at the hands of the charitable progeny of the peaceful warlord, Muhammad.  

Sob for Al-Sweden 282

A Dane talks about the disaster that is Sweden, and warns that Denmark could be going the same way. We like the video, but do not agree with him that the answer to the catastrophe that the Muslim invasion and colonization of Scandinavia has caused is “assimilation”. Muslim immigration needs to be stopped.  Deportation on a vast scale needs to become immediate policy and implemented pronto. None of that will happen. So what will? Either the total Islamization of  – not just Scandinavia but – all Europe, or civil war.

Posted under Denmark, Europe, immigration, Islam, jihad, Muslims, Sweden by Jillian Becker on Monday, February 22, 2016

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Without Islam … 126

We quote from a speech made in the Dutch parliament by Machiel de Graaf, a member of the Party for Freedom led by Geert Wilders:

Without Islam, the Netherlands would be a wonderful country. …

Without Islam, the Netherlands would not lose something like 7.2 billion [Euros] a year on mass immigration.

Without Islam there would not be any mosques in the Netherlands and people would not be confronted every day by Islamic headscarves and djellabas, “hate beards”, and minarets. A country without all the symbols of Islamic domination – wonderful!

What a country the Netherlands would be without Islam. We wouldn’t have to deal with the policy of population replacement, nor with the policy of Islamic colonization, nor with the settlement policy in more and more districts in large and small cities.

Without Islam, the Netherlands would be protected, protected from the social disruption that is taking place as a result of mass immigration: of hate preachers who come here through family reunification; victim behaviour; Moroccan crime; Turkish interference … and all those barbaric, backward, totalitarian ideas from a seventh-century leader of a band of robbers, a mass murderer and paedophile.

Madam President, without Islam, Pim Fortuyn would not have been murdered … Without Islam, Theo van Gogh would not have been slaughtered …  and my own party leader, Geert Wilders, would not need bodyguards.

Without Islam, politics would not be full of Islam-huggers, each one of them with their own cynical interest or naive outlook.

Without Islam, Madam President, in the Netherlands we wouldn’t have honour killings, and the phenomenon of nephew-niece marriages would virtually no longer exist. Jewish children would simply be able to go to school without protection, and gays and lesbians would be safe on our streets.

Without Islam we would have to spend something like half as much on welfare, we would need fewer prisons and police and much less money would go to deprived areas. Integration subsidies would be unnecessary. We would have less animal mistreatment, and apartheid would be a word in the history books.

Without Islam, highly qualified Dutch people would feel less inclined to emigrate.

Without Islam, sharia would not be insidiously introduced in more and more districts, and judges would not have to make allowances for it ever again …

Without Islam, there would be none of those criminal organizations … which form  the long Islamic arm of Ankara in the Netherlands … Madam President, the long arm of Ankara should be amputated. Ban those organizations. … Expel their leaders . We  call on the minister to do so. And close their offices. Is the minister prepared to do this?

Children at school would not be confronted with halal meat during Christmas dinner, Christmas trees would not be a subject for discussion, and Ramadan would not result in empty classrooms.

Without Islam, no hundreds of thousands of Turkish people in the Netherlands who say that violence against followers of other faiths and non-believers is not wrong. And no hundreds of thousands of Turkish people who think that Islamic jihad fighters are heroes.

Without Islam, no problems with jihad fighters. Without Islam, no substantial threat of terrorism, and no children rejoicing in the streets, as after the mass murders in the World Trade Center on 9/11.

Yes, Madam President, imagine what a wonderful country it would be if you could leave all that behind you. Ask the minister whether he shares this vision and, if not, what vision the minister has concerning the ongoing Islamization of the Netherlands.

Even though there was immigration in the past  … there is a huge difference with the mass immigration of Muslims now into the Netherlands. The other immigrants assimilated and saw the Netherlands as their new home; the Muslims who generally come here do not change, do not integrate, do not assimilate. No, they convert the Netherlands at our expense into their own homeland with all the mosques, and the original population are just guests.

Islamic immigration, the hijra, has been doing things this way for 1400 years and that will not change. Take a look at the situation in what once was Christian North Africa, and take a look too at Marseilles, at Brussels, or at the Islamic rape hotspot, Rotherham in England.

We are in an alarming phase, Madam President: over the past 40 years no-one has ever seen such a change in the demographics. In cities such as The Hague, Amsterdam and Rotterdam, more than half of the Dutch population has now been replaced by people from other countries, mostly Muslim countries.

The birth rate of Muslims is much higher than that of the Dutch, and in France, Belgium and Sweden it is even higher still. … In France … within two generations the majority of the population will be Muslim. …

The minister cannot avoid responding: what does he think the Netherlands will look like in 2025 or in 2030? Because if they continue with government policy in this way then it will become one huge Islamic mess, Madam President …

One of the problems, Madam President, that Islam has brought to the Netherlands is the increased anti-Semitism. … Four Jews were killed last Tuesday by Muslims in a synagogue in Jerusalem. The inhabitants of Gaza celebrated with axes, knives and guns in their hands on account of this slaughter. The leaders of Hamas called the criminals heroes, and literally right in the middle of the Islamic festivities for this anti-Semitic act of terror, the Labour Party [of the Netherlands] proposes to reward these leaders who have an incurable hatred of Jews with a state of their own! The Labour Party should be ashamed. …

“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.” …  Madam President, I quote Mr Winston Churchill. …

Those who all too easily make use of the term “Islamophobia” serve the decline of our society and the promotion of ignorance, as censorship on the path towards Islamic dictatorship. …

Madam President … the holy war that the Labour Party  is conducting against alleged ‘Islamophobia’ is the struggle against freedom of speech. It leads to the criminalisation of any discussion about Islam and thus in the long term to the criminalisation of any discussion of every religion. … Criminalisation of so-called “Islamophobia” therefore leads directly to the end of religious freedom and the end of freedom of speech. …

As I said earlier, Madam President, in the Netherlands a demographic disaster awaits us, an undesirable cultural revolution that is unparalleled, via the replacement of the population. In the coming decades the immigrant population will continue to grow, in contrast to the indigenous population.

The schools are seeing an avalanche of children who are named after Muhammad. We are going to see the majority of all children at school being Islamic, and that is certainly not a pleasant prospect. Madam President, the Dutch identity, the identity and culture is being destroyed by immigration and through the womb. …  The annual integration report is quite clear about it: there never was any integration, there is no integration, and there never will be any integration either. …

Now  the multicultural society is generally seen to have failed  …  Open borders, the multicultural ideology, the integration policy, the all too easily given benefits to immigrants, their hatred of Western values – these are harmful things that are deeply anchored in the cultural relativistic and cultural Marxist epidemic that has afflicted the West for many decades.

Even worse, Madam President, cultural Marxism is one of the biggest causes of the soft policy on immigration  …  It has caused a blind spot in the eyes of socialists,  but also Christian and liberal politicians who defend Islam from the standpoint of a supposed benefit. … Socialists see Islam as a means of staying in power, but in 1979 we saw how Ayatollah Khomeini made such deft use of them to come to power, and after that had the socialists hanged first. …

Liberals in the Netherlands, Madam President, should put an end to their relaxed attitude of, “they can believe what they want as long as they don’t bother me”, because that can no longer be tolerated. With that attitude they place liberalism in serious danger themselves. …

Madame President, in conclusion, the message should be clear: the Netherlands must be de-Islamized, all mosques must be closed … The mega-mosque in Gouda, now postponed for six months, probably because of the elections so that the parties in power do not suffer any damage, must never be built … The only vacant property that makes the Netherlands better is empty mosques. When is the minister going to organize that? …

Jihadists must be expelled from the country and never allowed back, even if they only have one passport [ie only Dutch citizenship]. The borders must be closed to people from Islamic countries, the government must commit itself to [a policy of] voluntary emigration to Muslim countries. Criminals with a double passport must be expelled, and only if these measures are implemented will the Netherlands see a positive change. 

It is  remarkable that such a speech has been made in a European parliament. Perhaps it shows that Europe is beginning to wake up to the fact that it is being colonized by Islam and Islamized.

If Machiel de Graaf’s recommendations were carried out, would that be enough to turn the tide of Islamization?

At least it would be a beginning. But the chances that any European government will go even that far are very small.

Posted under Islam, Muslims, Netherlands by Jillian Becker on Tuesday, December 9, 2014

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Civilization on trial 189

The Dutch political leader Geert Wilders is on trial in Amsterdam for saying something The Authorities don’t like. As was done in the good old days of the Papal and Spanish Inquisitions. It’s an old belief in Europe: Truth is what the powerful say it is, and that’s that.

Wilders said that the Koran was as evil a book as Mein Kampf. It is. But he might go to prison for saying so.

At least the Men in Black Robes have stopped burning people at the stake for daring to express an unauthorized opinion or pointing out something that is plain to see but against their preferred illusions.

The trial of Geert Wilders is a hugely important historical event. It is really Europe that is on trial. Will Europe abide by the values of its own Enlightenment and uphold free speech, endorse the objective search for truth, and confirm its commitment to individual liberty, or will it submit to the primitive force of Islam? We wait to see.

Another such trial is being held in Vienna. Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff is charged with “inciting hatred against a religious group” and “defamation of religion” in a lecture she gave in 2009 titled the “Islamization of Europe.” If convicted, she could be sentenced to three years in prison.

This report is from Hudson New York:

Having spent most of her life in Muslim-majority countries, [Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff]  has had much time to get to know Muslims as individuals, and to experience contemporary Islamic culture. She has lived in Kuwait; in Iran, as a child, at the time of the Islamic revolution, and, during the 9/11 attacks, in Morocco.

Her stories are undoubtedly disturbing: two of her non-Muslim friends were attacked for breaking the Ramadan fast – one, a Coptic Christian, was assaulted for licking stamps at a post office; the other, for chewing gum. On another occasion, apparently, when Mrs. Sabaditsch-Wolff sat in her apartment watching the 9/11 unfold on television, and her landlord burst in exclaiming that “the Jews did it,” she asked him to leave.

Such events, she says, with the 9/11 attacks as a catalyst, made her want “to learn more.” She began by researching Islam, sharia, and Islamism; and later became a critic of, and activist against, “Islamization.”

Mrs. Sabaditsch-Wolff currently represents Pax Europa in Austria, and has represented it at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. … [Pax Europa] focuses specifically on the growth of sharia law in Europe, and the erosion in Europe of free speech in relation to Islam.

According to Mrs. Sabaditsch-Wolff, the organization is “non-partisan, not political, [and] does not except any membership from people who are radical, either Left-wing or Right-wing.”

Resisting the encroachment of sharia in the West and not being political? Is she, or the organization, being ingenuous or disingenuous?

She herself, we think, is neither.

She describes her own political outlook as “classic conservative libertarian.”

Like ourselves (only, wanting to be accurate, and at the risk of being pedantic, we prefer to say we’re libertarian conservatives; ie. conservatives who value liberty, rather than libertarians adhering to some traditional type).

Having lived, by choice, in Arab and Muslim-majority countries for much of her adult life, it seems clear that she is …  not motivated by “racism” or “Islamophbia” – the usual accusations leveled at anyone criticizing Islam, sharia, or Islamism.

Although it may seem more practical to focus solely on Austria, she raises an important point: What happens in one European Union member state affects the others.

Sharia in one EU state might plausibly be used as a precedent in lawfare, and will certainly be used to promote the idea that Islamic law can happily exist side by side with national, secular law, no matter what the reality of the situation may be.

“It is outrageous,” Mrs. Sabaditsch-Wolff says, “that the EU would accept sharia law in Great Britain; since Britain is a member of the EU, it [sharia law] is basically now in force in Europe.” Sharia courts in the UK, however, are not the only signs of Islamic law in Europe. It is increasingly present in various forms throughout the EU, as Mrs. Sabaditsch-Wolff sees it. In Austria, “sharia is all over the place in a more or less visible way.” She continues:

“Every time an animal is slaughtered halal, it is the implementation of sharia. Every time you have young [Muslim] girls prevented [by their parents, because of their Islamic faith] from swimming together with their [non-Muslim] peers in school you have the imposition of sharia.

[Sharia is bad] for everybody – for Muslims, for non-Muslims, for atheists. It doesn’t matter where, who and how, sharia must never take hold in Western society. ..”

Mrs. Sabaditsch-Wolff says she is “baffled” that in democratic, Western nation states, she and others should find themselves being prosecuted for criticizing political Islam.

The case … was instigated by the Left-wing magazine, NEWS, a glossy weekly which sent a young female journalist to “infiltrate” the meeting, according to Mrs. Sabaditsch-Wolff. NEWS later approached the authorities to press for a prosecution. Mrs. Sabaditsch-Wolff only learned that she was being prosecuted after reading about it in the Austrian press. The official charges from the department of the Viennese state attorney arrived later on.

She says, with a sense of mission, that she will not be silenced: “Even if I am found guilty, I will not accept the verdict. It will go up to the European Court.” …

Without much optimism, we wish her  good luck with that.

She is bravely standing for a supremely important principle.

“This is not Elisabeth being prosecuted. I am just a proxy. What is burdening me is the burden of history. I am part of history now. I am doing this for millions and millions of people in the Western world … ”

Yes. She’s right. It’s not only Europe that’s on trial with her and Geert Wilders, it’s our civilization as a whole.