The name of the martyr 321
Nobody knows or can ever know if Derek Chauvin intended to kill the criminal drug-addict George Floyd.
It is very unlikely that he intended to. Why would he?
Multitudes accuse him of the cruel intent. They don’t care if he did or didn’t want to do it, did or didn’t actually do it. They want Chauvin to have intentionally murdered Floyd. They want it as an excuse for anger. They enjoy the lovely feeling of righteous indignation, and who dare say it’s not righteous?
It’s terrifically enjoyable – they find – doing damage to property and harm to people, as an expression of righteous indignation, of ever-so-fully-justified anger.
Who can rebuke them when they are doing the damage and harm in the name of a victim cruelly murdered? The name of George Floyd – a martyr canonized as the patron saint of all black victims in the centuries-long victimhood of black people subjected to the authority of white people?
The cause is so great, it even justifies killing. What a joy! What thrilling nights spent in burning, looting, killing! Great sport! Bliss is it on these nights to be alive, and to be violent is very heaven!
Joy Pullman writes at The Federalist:
A Minnesota jury has found former police officer Derek Chauvin guilty of second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter. This means they claim to have concluded that they unanimously believe beyond a reasonable doubt that Chauvin caused Floyd’s death.
The judge in the case refused to sequester jurors from media coverage and outside influences during the trial, and the pressure conveyed to them was beyond intense. It was made perfectly clear to them that the nation would be engulfed in flames if they expressed a reasonable doubt over whether Floyd’s death was Chauvin’s fault.
The entire bloody year of 2020, in which unprecedented and murderous riots swept the nation, was premised on the incident that led to this trial. At least 30 people died amid waves of riots that widely used Floyd’s death as the pretext. The Floyd riots have caused the most high-dollar damage in U.S. history, an estimated $2 billion.
The rioters’ violence against police, and elected officials’ willful endorsement of the rioters and failure to back law and order in response, helped cause a historic surge in homicides. As measured across 34 sampled cities, homicides surged 30 percent in 2020, causing an additional 1,200 dead. That’s just in 34 cities.
So, thanks to the anti-police unrest employed in the wake of Floyd’s death, thousands more people are now dead, and a disproportionate number of them are black. The riots’ unchecked anti-police violence metastasized in deadly crime. Anyone who lives in or near a city like these jurors do, especially those in the Twin Cities epicenter, is fully aware of this.
That was all before the verdict. During the Chauvin trial itself, rioters smashed buildings and assaulted police nearby in the aftermath of another officer-involved shooting. Minneapolis police put up razor wire around their offices in preparation for the verdict announcement. So did police and cities across the nation.
National Guard troops were deployed in Minnesota and D.C. in anticipation of the verdict announcement.
The jurors knew that the media covering the trial and looking at their faces every day for three weeks knows who they are. An in-state newspaper even signaled to the jurors its willingness to expose them to the violent mobs roving Minnesota over the last year by publishing descriptions of the jurors in advance of the verdict. Those descriptions published in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune contained age, race, location, profession, even immigration history.
The city government building where jurors heard the case was fortified like a military installation in an occupied country. Every day, they walked into this.
You think jurors would have been willing to have themselves and their families go into witness protection to venture a reasonable doubt about Chauvin’s potential contribution to Floyd’s death? You think they’d be willing to trade their lives plus nationwide violence for one stranger’s?
No. Which means that the rule of law cannot be maintained while this government is in power. Rule of law and Black Lives Matter anti-American revolutionary Leftism are incompatible.They are antithetical concepts.
Officials from the local mayor all the way up to the president of the United States made it clear in widely reported news the jurors and all their family, friends, and neighbors could read and would have to live with for the rest of their lives that the only verdict they would accept was “guilty”. Democrat politicians openly called for violence if the jury did not decide as street thugs wished, and the Democrat Party — which controls all levels of the national government at present, as well as controlling the state in which these jurors live — backed them up.
Everyone, including these jurors, knew exactly what would happen to them at the hands of mobs like this if they expressed a reasonable doubt about whether a man who died while overdosing and with a serious heart condition was actually killed by a police officer kneeling on him after he had struggled with police repeatedly. …
America’s left purposefully made a fair trial impossible, all for political power. They deliberately perverted justice in favor of violent mob rule to strengthen their political hand.
They have done evil and called it justice.
And are guilty too of making the far from saintly, far from heroic Derek Chauvin into the only actual martyr.
Is America sentenced to civil war? 33
If it is true, as many say, that the Supreme Court refused to hear cases against the validity of Joe Biden’s electoral “win” because they feared the packing of their court by angry vengeful Democrats, then they made a stupid decision. Obviously, they should have done their utmost to keep the Democrats out and keep President Trump in. That would have been the certain way of protecting their numbers. It doesn’t make sense that they helped the party into power which would probably do what they fear – pack the court with judges likely to favor the Left.
THEY (not including the great and wise Justice Thomas) favored the Left. And now their court is very likely to be packed with Leftist judges.
Matt Margolis reports at PJ Media:
“Wouldn’t it be ironic if the Supreme Court of the United States, after showing that they didn’t have the courage to do what they should have done on the Great Presidential Election Fraud of 2020, was PACKED by the same people, the Radical Left Democrats (who they are so afraid of!), that they so pathetically defended in not hearing the Election Fraud case,” Trump asked.
“Now there is a very good chance they will be diluted (and moved throughout the court system so that they can see how the lower courts work), with many new Justices added to the Court, far more than has been reported,” Trump continued. “There is also a good chance that they will be term-limited.”
Trump then pointed out that there were 19 states with election challenges that were not heard by the Supreme Court. “Believe it or not, the President of the United States was not allowed to be heard based on ‘no standing,’ not based on the FACTS,” he said. “The Court wouldn’t rule on the merits of the great Election Fraud, including the fact that local politicians and judges, not State Legislatures, made major changes to the Election—which is in total violation of the United States Constitution.”
Just last month, a judge ruled that Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, broke state law when she unilaterally changed election rules by loosening the signature verification requirement for absentee ballots in the 2020 election. This ruling legitimizes a key claim made by the Trump legal team in its challenges to the 2020 election. Michigan Court of Claims Chief Judge Christopher Murray ruled that this change violated Michigan’s Administrative Procedures Act.
“Our politically correct Supreme Court will get what they deserve,” said Trump. “An unconstitutionally elected group of Radical Left Democrats who are destroying our Country. If and when this happens, I hope the Justices remember the day they didn’t have courage to do what they should have done for America.”
So what the decisions amount to is an implicit statement to the Junta in power, “Don’t add more justices- no need – look, we are already left-biased”?
But if the court is already left-biased, why would they object to the addition of a few more Leftists?
No. None of it makes sense!
Clifford C. Nichols writes at American Thinker:
Rarely do the generation experiencing the actual events and decisions that lead to their nation’s demise fully appreciate the enormity of their oversight until sometime after their culture’s destruction has been rendered incurable. Largely, it is not due so much to their negligence as it is to most of them being too preoccupied with simply living and making a living.
Perhaps that would explain why, in just the first four months of 2021, the Supreme Court issued four decisions — or, perhaps better viewed as non-decisions — that should have caused all legitimately patriotic Americans to be alarmed and called to action…but did not seem to.
Only a few weeks ago, without offering any substantive explanation, the Court summarily refused to even look at — much less seriously consider — any of the evidence of the 2020 election irregularities offered by attorney Sidney Powell and others. Evidently, the Supreme Court of the United States of America was not interested in doing what it could — and should — to let America know decisively whether or not its presidential election had been shamelessly stolen by those now in power.
Why would they not do this?
Perhaps the answer is best revealed by the fact that, at the same time, the Court was also apparently too busy to halt a New York prosecutor from obtaining former president Trump’s tax returns. The practical effect was for SCOTUS to give that prosecutor an assist with his unconstitutional effort to search for any crime that might make President Trump’s ouster from office permanent.
Clearly, these two SCOTUS decisions alone evidence the fact that the agenda of the justices has become politically driven.
It doesn’t end there.
Two weeks later, the Supreme Court — again without explanation — summarily refused to reverse the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals’ denial of Judicial Watch’s request that it be allowed to take the deposition of a member of this country’s ruling political elite — Hillary Rodham Clinton. At the end of the day, Judicial Watch was only asking the Supreme Court to uphold the rule of law by finding that all Americans — including elites like Hillary Clinton — are to be treated equally under the law. Instead, the Supreme Court unfortunately — and inexplicably — declined the opportunity to do even this.
Then this week, SCOTUS put the final nail in the coffin containing the GOP’s 2020 election disputes with its denial of a petition for a writ of certiorari in Bognet v. Dagraffenreid. Again, it refused to rule on whether a state’s courts are qualified or not under Article 2, Section 1, Clause 2 of the Constitution to modify that state’s presidential election laws. In short, whether Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court violated the U.S. Constitution by usurping the state Legislature’s authority to extend the time allowed for counting mail-in ballots is apparently not an issue worthy of this SCOTUS’s time.
From such glaring displays of indefensible Supreme Court inaction, the following incontrovertible truths have been set out in plain view before the nation’s very eyes:
1. The Supreme Court today is thoroughly politicized…and thus corrupt.
2. In America, the rule of law is now dead.
3. Worse yet, by these decisions, America’s Supreme Court has put on open display its utter disregard — and absolute contempt — for whatever the American people may think about the future unavailability of equal justice in a nation that once promised that such justice would be available to all. …
An American government unleashed from the constraints set in place by the rule of law can be headed in only one direction: toward some form of centralized dictatorship limited only by the whims of those in power — i.e., a tyranny.
But will the half of America that does not want a Leftist tyranny now simply accept it?
Has the Supreme Court intentionally – or unintentionally which would mean, in this case, stupidly – helped create a state of passionate division that nothing short of civil war can settle?
Has it sentenced America to civil war?
The Supreme Court had a moment in which it could have saved the Republic from tyranny. An opportunity for glory. But it shirked it. Shrank from it. Failed the nation, failed the Founders, lost its way.
War and diversity training 190
Why would the oligarchy collectively named “Biden” expend blood and treasure to save the country it now governs when that country, the United States of America, is a rotten thing, sick with the disease of racism?
“We are an imperfect union and have been since the beginning,” moaned Linda Thomas-Greenfield, “Biden’s” ambassador to the United Nations, speaking at a National Action Network convention recently.
The “Biden” Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, is too busy at present to be bothered with foreign affairs. He is dealing urgently with “right-wing extremism” – which is to say “racism” – in the ranks of the US military, and “executing diversity and anti-extremism training” for every member of his department.
Will “Biden” see any need to take action if America’s two strongest enemies expand their power by making war on their neighbors?
We may soon learn the answer to that question.
Gordon Chang, writing at Gatestone, sees two wars coming:
War could break out on both ends of the Eurasian landmass at the same time.
Two large aggressors are threatening to break apart neighbors and absorb them.
Russian troops are massing on the Ukraine border.
Chinese vessels are swarming Whitsun Reef of the Philippines in the South China Sea, and China’s air force is flying almost daily through Taiwan’s air-defense identification zone.
Vladimir Putin in 2019 said that Russia reserved the right to protect ethnic Russians outside Russia. This month, Dmitry Kozak, deputy head of Russia’s presidential administration, said his country might intervene to “defend” its citizens. If it did, he suggested, Ukraine would not survive.
Russians perceive Biden as feeble.
China’s leaders are saying they do not believe President Joe Biden would defend Taiwan.
The Dragon and the Bear appear to be coordinating moves, as they have for some time. At the very least, each is acting with an eye to what the other is doing. Once one of these aggressors makes a move, the other large state, taking advantage of the situation, will almost certainly follow.
All the elements for history’s next great conflict are now in place.
So “Biden” is surely preparing for it?
Seems not. Seems that as far as the “Biden administration” is concerned, history’s next great conflict will just have to wait, at least until the diversity training course has been completed by the Department of Defense.
Resistance rising 178
Do not go gentle into that good night
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
– Dylan Thomas
Let’s “not go gentle” into this political night.
We select points from an article at American Greatness by Steve Baldwin:
With it’s support for open borders, the use of illegal Executive Orders, the undermining of our constitutional rights, the unprecedented demonization and harassment of conservatives based on phony racial narratives, the Biden agenda is a total assault on America’s founding principles, the rule of law, and our democratic institutions.
It is not known at this time whether America will survive this assault. To be sure, if Biden succeeds with packing the court, converting D.C. or Puerto Rico into new states, granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, and institutionalizing the corruption of our electoral system, we may never recover the America of our fathers. Rather, we will witness the evolution of what one could call a “soft” police state, characterized by cronyism, socialism, globalism, and the complete censorship and ostracization of everyone and anyone not supportive of the revolution.
It is clearly the duty of traditional Americans to challenge this illegitimate regime and every grassroots group, PAC, think tank, and foundation on the Right needs to be solely focused on defeating this monster or our movement will cease to exist.
Groups that shy away from this challenge, need to go down, and if old-line conservative groups are not up to the fight, new groups yet to be formed need to take their place. A successful resistance needs big numbers.
The good news is that the MAGA movement inspired by Trump has created the largest grassroots political movement in modern political history.
And the “Biden” oligarchy is really sacred of it. They call it – absurdly -a “white supremacist” and “terrorist” movement.
In fact, the American Left, which cheated Joe Biden into power, is increasingly a black supremacist movement. It is using terrorist tactics – riot, arson, looting, blinding, beating, killing – and threatening more such violence if courts of law do not reach the decisions it demands.
Last week, former Vice President Mike Pence announced the formation of Advancing America Freedom to serve as a clearinghouse for the MAGA grassroots. We can hope that this is not just a group to promote Mike Pence but rather a real effort to harness the energy of the millions of MAGA volunteers and put them to work fighting cancel culture, recruiting candidates, and working to win back Congress in 2022. Right off the bat, I hope they kick off their efforts by hosting a series of massive MAGA rallies featuring Trump himself.
But the MAGA movement has also given birth to hundreds of smaller grassroots groups all over the country, many involving people fairly new to politics. Groups such as Moms for Liberty and 1776 Forever Free. Other groups are forming that focus on specific issues such as Stop Corporate Tyranny, which was recently formed to educate the grassroots about what corporations should be boycotted for selling out America.
Former Trump policy advisor Stephen Miller has formed a group called America First Legal to assist Republican attorneys with challenging executive branch abuses in addition to filing lawsuits of its own.
The Public Interest Legal Foundation recently forced Pennsylvania to remove 21,000 people from the state voter database.
Even the staid Republican National Committee has announced the creation of a committee to “work alongside state governments to push for election reforms including a voter ID requirement and having poll watchers count every vote”.
A nonpartisan fact-check group called Just the Facts has just released research showing that it’s very possible the illegal alien vote alone cost Trump the 2020 election.
The full article includes more organizations dedicated to resisting the growth of Leftist tyranny under the “Biden” administration and describes more ways of resisting. Read it all here.
All they need is hope (giggle giggle) 229
The problem of the mass migration of Central Americans into the United States at “President” Biden’s invitation, is too big for him to handle.
President Donald Trump had put in place an array of disincentives to discourage would-be migrants from making the journey north. Biden removed Trump’s disincentives and suspended the construction of his border wall.
The Biden gang running this administration …
… has opened the door wide to illegal immigrants and encouraged mass migration to this country on the way to achieving their utopian vision of “No borders. No nations”. In the process, they are destroying piece by piece the rule of law that undergirds America’s constitutional republic.
Now there is a crisis at the border of Biden’s making, and he has no idea how to deal with it.
So he’s handed it off to his chosen “Vice President”, Kamala Harris.
In an article at Front Page, Joseph Klein includes this information:
Vice President Kamala Harris is Biden’s choice to work on stemming the flow of migrants from Central America.
She has neither visited the U.S.-Mexico border nor gone down to the Central American countries to study for herself the situation on the ground.
But she has a solution for the problem:
Harris recommended focusing on –
“An important four-letter word, which I hope always inspires us to do the work we do, and that word is ‘hope’. And in this regard, in – in our focus on the Northern Triangle, looking at the fact that we have an opportunity — as the United States of America, with the resources and with the will that we have — to provide the people with some hope that if they stay at home, help is on the way and they can have some hope that the opportunities and the needs that they have will be met in some way.”
Then she giggled.
She would like to hand the problem off, in her turn, to “our allies” [?] through that just and effective organization, the UN. That would be “some way“. Perhaps.
Harris did suggest internationalizing the effort to encourage economic development. “That includes reaching out to our allies, through the U.N.,” she said [and giggled].
Joseph Klein points out:
The United Nations is the wrong organization to rely upon, given its own corruption problems and its encouragement of more open borders.
When Harris was asked if she was planning a visit to the southern border, she replied that her job was to “lead the issue of dealing with root causes in the Northern Triangle”.
She was able to say which countries form “the Northern Triangle”! On that she had been briefed. She named them as Nicaragua, Guatemala, and El Salvador.
And she has a plan for them [she said, giggling].
Her plan is to give their people hope. Hope that they can survive in their homelands. Then they will not want to come to [what used to be] the United States.
Problem solved. Or will be. Perhaps. In some way.
China preparing to seize Taiwan 29
Breitbart reports:
China’s latest military exercise near Taiwan on Monday “could be a rehearsal of a reunification-by-force operation”, China’s state-run Global Times suggested Tuesday.
The state’s organ makes the suggestion for the government of China to test American reaction.
“The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) conducted an exercise near the island of Taiwan on Monday with the largest number of warplanes ever recorded, which could be a rehearsal of a reunification-by-force operation,” the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouthpiece wrote on April 13.
China’s PLA deployed 25 aircraft to fly over Taiwan, breaching its air defense identification zone (ADIZ), on April 12, Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) said in a statement.
The PLA’s exercise included “14 J-16 and four J-10 multirole fighters, four H-6K strategic bombers, two KQ-200 anti-submarine warfare (ASW)-capable aircraft, as well as one KJ-500 airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) platform,” the military website Janes reported Monday, citing the MND’s statement.
The air sortie was the PLA’s largest near Taiwan since the sovereign nation began publicly reporting PLA aircraft movements over the island in September 2020.
“The number of PLA warplanes featured in the [April 12] exercise was a record since Taiwan’s defense authorities began to release information about PLA aircraft activities in the region on September 17, 2020, surpassing the previous record of 20 on March 26. The number of J-16s, a powerful fighter jet, was also the biggest of all exercises,” the Global Times boasted on Tuesday.
“The exercise could be a rehearsal of its [the PLA’s] combat plan over the Taiwan island, and it could feature air superiority seizure, and attack on land and maritime targets, including warships of interfering foreign countries,” Song Zhongping, a Chinese military expert and TV commentator, told the newspaper.
The PLA’s record-breaking exercise near Taiwan on April 12 was a direct response to the U.S. issuing new guidelines meant to “deepen” its unofficial support of Taiwan nation two days earlier on April 10.
“The exercise conducted by the PLA served as a warning to Taiwan secessionists and the US after the two had made a series of provocative moves,” the Global Times wrote on Monday.
“On Saturday [April 10], the US Department of State announced new guidelines to encourage US government engagement with the island that reflects their ‘deepening unofficial relationship.’ Officials on the island recently also claimed that the island is drawing a line 30 nautical miles away from the island, attempting to deny PLA aircraft approaches,” the newspaper noted.
Beijing considers Taiwan a renegade province and has vowed to reunify the island, located off China’s southeast coast, with mainland China by force if necessary.
What is the “Biden” administration most likely to do if China invades and annexes Taiwan (in addition to blaming Trump)?
Go to war with China?
Negotiate with China?
Bombardments in Iran 84
DebkaFile reports:
The attack on Iran’s nuclear center at Natanz on April 14 totally destroyed two of its three uranium enrichment halls operated by advanced centrifuges. Even the remaining third of centrifuges have been put out of action by the cutoff of a steady power flow.
The explosive material which caused the blast was planted there two years ago and awaited a remote signal to detonate. Contrary to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s claims on Monday that the attack caused only minor damage and just disrupted the old centrifuges, our sources disclose a different reality. Iran is now unable to move enrichment up to the 60pc grade as Tehran boasted because most of the advanced IR-6 centrifuges with that capability were wrecked in the blast.
This serious setback has caused a major rift in the Tehran regime, including the Revolutionary Guards leadership. Atomic energy chief Ali Akbar Salehi, who is close to supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is being bombarded with angry accusations. He is blamed for failing to seriously address the security aspects of the nuclear program’s key facility and abandoning it to hostile penetration. How did a large explosive charge come to be planted in the heart of the facility and, moreover, be allowed to repose there unnoticed for two years, he is asked. How could this happened just nine months after the first hit on Natanz wrecked the main centrifuge produce hall?
Have Joe Biden, John Kerry, Barack Obama sent their condolences?
Joe the Feeble, Kamala the Kackler 118
Ammo Grrrll writes at PowerLine:
We are currently witnessing a vast horde of non-white people who are willing to throw their babies over a high fence and risk life and limb – just to get into what is routinely described by Democrats and Chinese Commies as the most racist hellhole on Planet Earth. Odd fact, that. People of color are racing to get into White Supremacy Central.
Even the Chinese get to call out our putative racism. The Uighurs have yet to weigh in, being too busy as professional organ donors, often before they were finished using the organs. …
We have Joe the Feeble, Terrible, Obviously Demented, Hair-Sniffing Cipher who is also a Pathological Liar, Influence-Peddler AND a wholly-owned subsidiary of China! …
I don’t know if Kamala is also the first co-President (in the Biden-Harris Administration) to fail the Bar Exam or not. But who needs to ace a written exam when you’ve done so well on your Orals? And how excited was America to have her chosen with virtually no qualifications other than being a Woman of Some Vague Non-White Color, and the only woman in America with a worse laugh than Hillary’s?
Well, she garnered upwards of 2-3% of the votes in the DEMOCRAT Primary, so even other people of color clearly rejected her in favor of the demented old white time-server with the crack-head son. Democrats had the opportunity to vote for a rich fake Native American, a rich young man married to another man, a rich fake Mexican with a made-up Spanish nickname, just to name a few of the special kinda sorta Diverse folks that were on offer. And, instead, they stunned the world by picking Joe Biden, a rich old white kleptocrat.
During the Basement Campaign, Joe the Stair Master (and Blank Stare Master) came out like Punxsutawney Phil to nibble on his wife’s hand, to confuse her with his own sister, and to fail to guess the number of his own grandchildren. Hey, grandpas out there, I would bet the ranch (if I had a ranch) that there’s not ONE of you who can’t tell us the number, sex, and probably even the birthdays of each and every one of your grandkids. Not to mention their preferred pronouns! (When very young, it’s mostly just “me, my, and mine”.)
As we begin our eighth year together, let us fervently pray that Joe the Feeblest soon resigns to spend more time with those grandchildren until such time as he can accurately count them. No, Kamala the Kackler will not be any better, but maybe at least she might not try to start a war with Russia over the Ukraine. To the best of my knowledge, she doesn’t have any offspring who pretend to work for and are lavishly paid by any industries in the Ukraine.
And seeing President Kamala cackling away in the Oval Office would be like a dagger in Hillary’s heart. So there’s that…and she would obviously do such a terrible job that even cheating on a scale never seen before could not re-elect her in 2024.
We enjoyed this, but don’t agree with everything the delightful Ammo Grrrll says.
We fear that Kamala Harris will be an even worse figurehead president than Joe Biden. He manages to seem to be thinking. We don’t think she can do even that. She will only cackle and be an embarrassment to the nation.
Joe Biden aids the human-traffickers 7
Last night (Tuesday April 7, 2021), Mark Steyn hosted Fox News Primetime. Fox reports:
“Under the laughably misnamed Department of Homeland Security there’s now an express check-in — Just get a human trafficker to throw you into the country,” [Mark Steyn] said, pointing to video of Mexican traffickers dropping toddlers off of a 14-foot section of border wall constructed under President Donald Trump.
“It’s time for your toddler to start crawling — through the desert,” he said.
Steyn said that for some reason, people on the left see a lax immigration system like the one being instituted as “compassionate”.
“[They] think the government being industrial-scale enablers of some of the most evil people on the planet is progressive and compassionate. It’s not,” he said.
“There is nothing kind about incentivizing human trafficking, which, by the way, is merely a synonym for slavery and the same people who want to tear down the statue if the guy’s family had a plantation 300 years ago are all cool with the global trade in human beings of the 21st century.”
“So, Joe Biden or whoever has got his hand waggling that moth-eaten sock-puppet is consciously enriching these cartels and ensuring that they can expand their operations including more fentanyl to kill Americans and some would-be jihadists now and then.”
Steyn said the U.S. is witnessing what is becoming a “lopsided business partnership between America and coyotes at a time of global pandemic — when almost every national border on the planet, including the northern U.S. Border is closed down”.
America bad, America good 94
Conrad Black, writing at American Greatness, sees much that is wrong and bad with the USA but also much that is right and good.
Not every aspect of the onslaught of self-hate that has broken over America, warped its media, and turned most of the academy—and even apparently, most of its elementary and secondary schools—into centers of reorientation designed to convince Americans their national past is loathsome hypocrisy, is bad.
There were wrongs in America’s past, he says, slavery being the worst of them.
And, he goes on to say, there are wrongs in America’s present that need to be righted – in particular, the justice system:
One of the most nauseatingly persistent American delusions is that the American justice system is one of the best in the world. … It is an appalling, disgraceful, terribly unjust 360-degree cartel for the avaricious legal profession, and on the criminal side, it has been so undermined by the corruption of the plea bargain system that it is essentially the right of prosecutors to suborn false inculpatory testimony with no danger of sanctions for their misconduct.
The result is that the United States has six to 12 times as many incarcerated people per capita as other comparable large prosperous democracies: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom. Its conviction rates are much higher than almost all of these countries and so are its crime rates. Millions of innocent people are convicted and millions of innocent people are over-sentenced and millions are ground to powder in the conveyor belt to the bloated and corrupt American prison system. Everyone who is acquainted with the facts is aware of this.
The Bill of Rights guarantees of due process, a grand jury as assurance against capricious prosecution, an impartial jury, no seizure of property without just compensation, access to counsel of choice, prompt justice, and reasonable bail have been practically expunged.
That being said, he proceeds to condemn exaggerated criticism and unjustified hatred of America:
But with all that said, the flag-waving, anthem-singing, traditional pride in America was and remains substantially justified. All nations have somewhat delusional self-images and though the American star system elevates many who are not stars, the current eruption of Americophobia is vastly excessive, utterly despicable, cannot remotely be sustained, and is propagated, not just by the faddishly and aggressively ignorant, but also by disturbed and often wicked people.
We agree with him that “Americophobia” is excessive, despicable, ignorant, and propagated by wicked people, but we wonder why he believes that it “cannot remotely be sustained”.
He does not explain how it will fail or be made to fail.
He describes how America remains the mightiest power in the world:
The dictatorships of Latin America, the House of Saud, Franco’s Spain, Salazar’s Portugal, Syngman Rhee’s South Korea and many other dubious claimants to the title of champions of freedom … became democracies and the world must never forget nor fail to be grateful for the fact that the United States is chiefly responsible for the spread of democracy and the free market.
Never forget? What we hear, thanks to the academies and the anti-American media, is that those who remember it see it as a cause, not for gratitude and praise, but for blame and accusation.
Unjustly, of course. And sour hatred and envy of America by outsiders will not reduce America’s might – or its virtues:
No nation in history has made the effort the United States has to eliminate racial discrimination and to assist minorities bootstrapping themselves up to parity. Whatever liberties may have been taken in national rhetorical puffery, there has never been anything remotely like America’s rise from a few million colonists in two long lifetimes after the Revolutionary War to, as Churchill said in his eulogy of President Roosevelt to a position of “might and glory . . . never attained by any nation in history.”
But hatred of America by Americans is truly destructive:
The right of educators to teach falsely sourced self-hatred and of the media’s righteous replacement of reporting with subversive and defamatory advocacy is now proclaimed as a long-repressed virtue. It does not fall far short of treason and Joe Biden will pay for his endorsement of the false charge against his country of “systemic racism”.
Well, it is consoling to be assured that Joe Biden will pay for his calumny. But when? And how?
The United States now has an official regime of lies, supported by an almost worthlessly dishonest media, and scores of millions of Americans have been brainwashed into the false view that they live in an evil country.
This lie will not succeed because everyone in America can see that it is not true.
It will not succeed simply because it is not true? The truth will always prevail in the long run? And the truth being that America is good (or at least far more good than bad) is enough to restore it to freedom? To repair its justice system? To punish Joe Biden?
Conrad Black believes it:
Most Americans are reasonable and fair-minded people most of the time, and their numbers, their patience, and the righteousness of their not-uncritical faith in and love for their country will ultimately prevail. There was no excuse for the secretary of state to turn a meeting with the Chinese on American soil into a confessional for a cringe-worthy recitation of America’s faults. Despite everything, America remains a proud country with much to be proud of, and no person nor any nationality can stand unlimited, unjustified, self-loathing. It will end sooner than we dare think, and it will take down its ghastly and contemptible preceptors with it, including the dismal Pharisees of this administration.
Great! But how will it happen? When?
Tell us please, Conrad Black!