What price freedom? 45

 Mona Charen writes:

If Barack Obama is elected president and Democrats control large majorities in the House and Senate, the Obama/Pelosi/Reid triumvirate will move the country decisively in the direction of dying Europe – low productivity, high joblessness, low birth rates, high taxes, and limp foreign policies. The triumvirate will do this at a time when a vibrant America is more necessary than ever – with Iran seeking nuclear weapons, Pakistan teetering, al-Qaida regrouping, China and Russia telegraphing hostility, and Iraq just barely emerging into the sunshine. This election has become about far more than John McCain versus Barack Obama; it has become about whether the United States will remain the champion of freedom – economic and political – or whether we will join the queue of formerly great nations now struggling to pay for all the social welfare "benefits" their aging and lazy populations demand.

We concur.


Posted under Commentary by Jillian Becker on Friday, October 31, 2008

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Felons’ votes wanted, soldiers’ votes not wanted 427

Isn’t it interesting – and telling – that convicted felons are expected to vote Democratic, while those serving in the armed forces are expected to vote Republican? 

 From Stop the ACLU website:

This year’s election mischief is not limited to the fraud perpetrated  by Obama’s old ACORN friends. Swing state Virginia has been finding lame excuses to toss out military ballots, even as it allows nonresident college students to vote thereThe military votes are getting tossed in plush Fairfax County, where supervisor Gerry Connolly is running for Congress as a liberal Democrat. I wonder why he would want to disenfranchise our troops.As if to replace the military voters who will not be allowed a say in the election, bureaucrats have visited Fairfax County jail to encourage criminals to vote.

Posted under Commentary by Jillian Becker on Thursday, October 30, 2008

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Who’s really funding Obama? 98

 It seems more than probable that Obama has one or more foreign sources of funding which have been contributing hundreds of millions by fraudulent means, disguising the contributions as small donations from millions of apparently individual sources. This is how it’s done.

It’s pretty easy — all you need is a credit card (foreign card is OK), a phony name, phony US address, phony telephone number, and just keep each contribution less than $200 so your illegal contribution never needs to be reported.  As a foreigner you can even give more than Americans are allowed to legally contribute, by just using a different phony name each time you contribute, so that your contributions are never tallied, thus never exceed the limit.

And of course American supporters of Obama can also contribute more than the legal limit by following the same procedure.

Not to mention the fact that you can easily steal someone else’s credit card number and contribute through it, not needing the correct name etc. (yes it has happened), and just hope the victim doesn’t notice it. 

Last Friday I read on various web sites (e.g. NRO) that the Obama campaign was facilitating illegal credit card contributions by disabling standard security verification procedures. Normally, a credit card payment is rejected if the name you give does not match the name on the card. Duh. Not so the Obama campaign. I said to myself, "If Americans can do this, I wonder if foreigners could too?" I’m a US citizen, but I have lived in South Africa for the last ten years and have a foreign credit card, from a South African bank. So I googled the Obama campaign web site and used my foreign credit card to contribute $5 (the minimum accepted) to his campaign. Sure enough, my account was charged $5 (54 Rand) on Monday. I assume that if I could do it, all those French who want Obama to be president could do it too.

Money translates into votes, because propaganda is effective, including obvious lies which are endlessly repeated.

Here, then, are the step by step instructions for fraudulently contributing to the Obama campaign, and participating in the mother of all campaign swindles …

‘All those French’?  What about Colonel Qaddafi of Libya, who has admitted contributing to Obama’s campaign? And what about other sources in the oil-rich Middle East? Obama boasts that he’ll owe nothing to ‘lobbyists’, having raised his funds from millions of small donors, but what will he owe to Qaddafi and co?    

Posted under Commentary by Jillian Becker on Thursday, October 30, 2008

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For whom the bell tolls 58

Taxing ‘the rich’ means impoverishing everyone, as Thomas Sowell explains with characteristic clarity:

The idea that you can single out one segment of society to be taxed or mandated, for the benefit of the rest of society, is reminiscent of a San Francisco automobile dealer’s sign: "We cheat the other guy and pass the savings on to you." The economy is not a zero-sum game where someone gains what others lose. The whole economy can lose when ill-considered policies gain political popularity and stifle economic growth. People who do not own a single share of corporate stock can still lose big time when capital gains taxes are raised– not only because jobs can follow capital out of the country, but also because millions of working people’s pension plans own corporate stock, and those people’s retirement incomes will depend on the value of those stocks, which is reduced by capital gains taxes. One of the biggest taxes is one that is not even called a tax – inflation. When the government spends money that it creates, it is transferring part of the value of your money to themselves. It is quiet taxation but often heavy taxation, falling on everyone, no matter how low their incomes might be. By the end of the 20th century, a $100 bill would not buy as much as a $20 bill would buy in the middle of that century. For people who saved cash, inflation amounted to an 80 percent tax. For others, it was an 80 percent tax minus whatever cumulative interest or dividends they received on the money they invested. Given the staggering cost of the government’s financial bailouts, there is no way that Barack Obama’s grandiose spending plans can be carried out without inflation.

When politicians start talking about taxing "the rich," remember the old saying [from the poem by John Donne]: "Send not to know for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee." 

Posted under Commentary by Jillian Becker on Wednesday, October 29, 2008

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Some of the lasting harm Obama would do 13

 Thomas Sowell writes on the damage that the sort of judges Obama would appoint can do; damage that would last for generations. Here’s a taste of the article, but the whole thing is worth reading for the specific examples of ‘liberal’ injustice he gives.

We can vote a president out of office at the next election if we don’t like him. But we can never vote out the federal judges he appoints in courts across the country, including justices of the Supreme Court.

The kind of judges that Barack Obama wants to appoint can still be siding with criminals or terrorists during the lifetime of your children and grandchildren.

The Constitution of the United States will not mean much if judges carry out Obama’s vision of the Constitution as "a living document"– that is, something that judges should feel free to change by "interpretation" to favor particular individuals, groups or causes.

Posted under Commentary by Jillian Becker on Tuesday, October 28, 2008

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More reasons not to vote for Obama 43

 David Limbaugh lists his reasons not to vote for Obama. His list partly overlaps ours, but adds some we mistakenly omitted. He asks:

Would Obama win if people believed he might well nationalize health care, unilaterally disarm our nuclear weapons, push the Global Poverty Act, appoint judges to the left of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, pass legislation banning handguns, greatly increase federal spending by euphemistically disguising it as a stimulus package, increase taxes on producers and expand "redistribution," impose limitations on private executive salaries, empower labor unions, further nationalize public education with the leftist indoctrination agenda of the National Education Association, further open our borders, ratify the Kyoto climate change treaty, abandon Israel, retreat and surrender in Iraq, dramatically reduce the defense budget, possibly reinstate the draft in the name of racial equity, nationalize our private 401(k) funds, abuse governmental power to target and investigate dissent from ordinary "Joes," and implement the Fairness Doctrine to shut down political dissent from his talk radio critics?

Phyllis Schlafly writes about another:

The issue of illegal aliens was censored out of the presidential debates and other coverage. The voters were kept oblivious to the fact that Obama favors giving driver’s licenses to illegal aliens and John McCain does not. This issue is so powerful with the voters that it played a major role in the dumping of New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer and the unprecedented recall of California Gov. Gray Davis. It could have done likewise to Obama.  

Posted under Commentary by Jillian Becker on Tuesday, October 28, 2008

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25 reasons not to vote for Obama 45

      1.  UNQUALIFIED. He’s had no experience of running anything – no  town, no state, no business,  not even his own campaign, and now he is asking voters to trust him with running the United States of America:  defense, foreign affairs, domestic policy, the economy – and this at a time of economic crisis and international threat.

               2.     FAR LEFT.  He’s designated the most ‘liberal’ Senator, but in fact he’s even more to the left than that. He’s been closely associated with communists, terrorists, America-haters and Islamists all his life, not because he has ‘poor judgment’ (as McCain and Palin politely cluck), but because he shares their political opinions and aims, their prejudices and hatreds.  Eg:  Frank Marshall Davis, Saul Alinsky, the New Party, Mike Klonsky of the ‘The Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)’, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn of the Weather Underground communist terrorist organization, Reverend Jeremiah Wright a friend and benefactor of Hamas, Rashid al-Khalidi an aider and abettor of Arafat and the PLO.  

              3.     SHADY DEALINGS. Eg. He has made sweetheart deals with the convicted criminal Tony Rezko.

             4.     DRUGS. He has been a drug user by his own admission.

             5.     ARROGANCE. Eg. ‘We are the ones we have been waiting for, to heal the planet, to slow the rising of the seas.’

             6.     APPEASING & DISARMING. He’d cut US defense spending, reduce or even abandon American nuclear arms, while the sworn enemies of the US, notably North Korea and Iran, are building nuclear arsenals; Russia is showing renewed expansionist ambitions; and Islamists are pursuing jihad against the non-Muslim world. He seems to believe that a word from him will stop the likes of Kim Jong Il and Ahmadinejad in their tracks and make them purr like pussycats.

             7.     REDISTRIBUTION. He’d ‘spread the wealth around’.  So just when the West European states are suffering the devastating effects of socialist welfare policies, Obama plans to take America down the same road to economic ruin.

             8.     PROTECTIONISM. Eg. He’d renegotiate NAFTA. US trade with the rest of the world will shrink.   

             9.     SPECIAL INTEREST FIXING. He’s a Big Labor supporter and would deprive trade unionists of their secret ballot.

            10. STATISM. He believes in enlarging government, and expanding government control over all private lives. How, when, where – and even if – people are treated when they are sick, how much or how little people may warm or cool their homes, even what and how much they eat, could be decided, overseen and regulated by an Obama government.  With a likely Democrat-controlled Congress – and compliant mainstream media – there’d be no brakes on him.

            11. AND YES, ANTI-AMERICAN. He has channeled funds to ‘education programs’ that in reality were indoctrination courses for the young in political radicalism, misusing charitable trusts. Eg. Chicago Annenberg Challenge, Woods Fund.

            12.  ANTI-LIFE. He is a supporter of extreme pro-abortion policies that include the killing by neglect of babies born alive.

            13.  IGNORANCE. Eg. ‘Interpreters of Arabic are needed in Afghanistan.’ ‘I’ve campaigned in 57 states and I think there’s one more to go.’ And a speech in Berlin that showed he had no idea of the actual history of the twentieth century, the why and wherefore and evil cruelty of the Berlin Wall, and what it took on the part of Western leaders Reagan and Thatcher to get it knocked down.  

            14.  LIES. Eg. ‘I never said kindergarten children should have sex education.’ 

            15. FLIP-FLOPPING. Eg. ‘The surge has not worked.’ ‘The surge has worked beyond our wildest dreams.’ ‘I’m against the surge.’ ‘I want to send more troops to Afghanistan.’ ’A surge in Afghanistan will not work.’

            16. DEFEATISM. He wanted America to surrender in Iraq.

            17.  HYPOCRISY. Eg. He’s against lobbyists and Wall Street ‘fat cats’, but appointed disgraced Fannie Mae executives as his advisors, and accepted huge sums of money in donations from Fannie Mae and other Wall Street institutions.

            18. ABSURD DOCTRINAIRE OBSTINACY. Eg.  ‘Inflate your tyres and America need not drill for its own oil.’  

            19.  INTIMIDATION AND ANTI FREE SPEECH. Citizens who criticize him have been threatened with criminal prosecution.  TV and radio stations that ask him or his vice-presidential candidate questions he doesn’t like are boycotted. 

            20.  YOUTH EXPLOITATION. He encourages children to propagandize their parents in his favor. Groups of schoolchildren and college students are formed as his support groups, taught ‘Obama songs’, and drilled in a manner chillingly reminiscent of the Hitler Youth and the Young Communists.

           21. VOTER FRAUD. He has funded Citizens Services Inc. which is ACORN’s campaign services entity. He has represented ACORN as a lawyer, and as a ‘community organizer’ he trained its personnel in techniques of intimidation and extortion. ACORN has been, and is continuing to be, investigated for voter-registration fraud, and numbers of its operatives have been convicted of criminal offences in the course of carrying out ACORN’s agenda.  

           22.  UNDERHAND POLITICAL MANEUVERING. He won elections in Illinois by challenging the signatures of petitioners, and discrediting opponents.     

           23. CORRUPTION. As a member of the Illinois legislature, he directed funds to corrupt slum-property developers.

            24. ILLICIT AND IMMORAL FOREIGN ADVENTURISM.  In Kenya he campaigned for Raila Odinga the mass-murderer. In Iraq he tried to undercut President Bush’s foreign policy by persuading Iraqi leaders to accept his timetable for US troop withdrawal rather than the President’s. 

            25.  ANTI-CONSTITUTIONALISM. He would appoint judges willing and eager to legislate from the bench rather than strictly interpret the Constitution. This could mean decades of change for the worse. 

Posted under Commentary by Jillian Becker on Monday, October 27, 2008

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Obama begins to set children against their parents, totalitarian style. 177

In Communist China, children were urged to work on their parents and grandparents to make them conform to Mao’s will in the The Cultural Revolution. Likewise children in Russia and its satellites during the Soviet nightmare were directed to instruct their elders, and to betray them if they did not conform. The same was done to turn children into instruments of the state and against their families in Nazi Germany. Now it begins in the United States of America!  This from Little Green Footballs:

The Obama campaign’s attempted use of children to influence their parents is absolutely open and blatant. Why doesn’t this outrage people? This is political cynicism of an amazing degree.

Barack Obama | Change We Need | The Talk.

Do’s & Don’ts

Do share your personal reasons for voting for Barack Obama;

Do have confidence — your opinion matters to people who care about you;

Do read up on Barack’s positions on the issues you know matter to them;

Do find a good time when both you and they will be open to a conversation;

Do talk to them in person if you live nearby, or on the phone if you don’t;

Do ask your friends to talk to their parents and grandparents as well;

Don’t worry about knowing everything about policy positions before you have this conversation;

Don’t feel defensive. Stay calm, cool and collected;

Don’t wait until the last minute — it might take a few conversations for you to convince them, so start as early as possible;

Don’t catch them at a bad time — make sure you have their attention and enough time to have a conversation.

Unbelievable. And it gets worse.

Ideas to Get the Conversation Started

Approaching your parents about who they are voting for can be intimidating if you’ve never talked about politics with them before. But this campaign has been built by supporters sharing their stories about what inspires them and why they want to see change in this country. Here are some ideas for ways you can talk to your parents about why you support Barack:

Call or ask in person if they saw the debate and what they thought about it.Tell them why you are voting for Obama and why it’s important to you.

Print out for them information on some issues you know are important.

Share Barack’s speech from the Democratic National Convention or Meet Barack, a video about who Barack Obama is, where he comes from, and what his values are.

Email them and tell them why it’s important to you that they vote for Obama.

Think about their perspective. If they are Republican, or are concerned about Barack’s policies, think about where they are coming from and what makes them think the way that they do.


Posted under Commentary by Jillian Becker on Monday, October 27, 2008

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Fraud is the Obama way to election victory 37

 Kenneth R Timmerman writes:

The story of how Obama stole the Democratic Party caucuses – and consequently, the Democratic Party nomination – is important not just because it prefigures potential voter fraud in the November 4 presidential election, which is already under way. It’s important because it fits a pattern that Chicago journalists and a few national and international commentators have noticed in all of the elections Obama has won in his career. NBC correspondent Martin Fletcher described Obama’s first election victory – for Illinois state senate – in a recent commentary that appeared in the London Telegraph. “Mr. Obama won a seat in the state senate in 1996 by the unorthodox means of having surrogates successfully challenge the hundreds of nomination signatures that candidates submit. His Democratic rivals, including Alice Palmer, the incumbent, were all disqualified,” Fletcher wrote. Obama’s election to the U.S. Senate “was even more curious,” conservative columnist Tony Blankley writes in The Washington Times. Citing an account that appeared in The Times of London, Blankley described how Obama managed to squeeze out his main Democratic rival, Blair Hull, after divorce papers revealed allegations that Hull had allegedly made a death threat to his former wife. Then in the general election, “lightning struck again,” Blankley writes, when his Republican opponent, wealthy businessman Jack Ryan, was forced to withdraw in extremis after his divorce papers revealed details of his sexual life with his former wife. Just weeks before the election, the Illinois Republican party called on Alan Keyes of Maryland to challenge Obama in the general election. Obama won a landslide victory.

 “Mr. Obama’s elections are pregnant with the implications that he has so far gamed every office he has sought by underhanded and sordid means,” Blankley writes, while “the American media has let these extraordinary events simply pass without significant comment.” 

Posted under Commentary by Jillian Becker on Monday, October 27, 2008

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Obama channeled funds to leader of the ‘Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)’ 31

 From Front Page Magazine:

A foundation chaired by Barack Obama that was designed to improve Chicago public schools gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Small Schools Workshop, an organization led by former Weatherman Bill Ayers and by Michael Klonsky, a former chairman of both Students for a Democratic Society and, according to The Washington Post and New York Times, a group called the “Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist).” 
"Ayers and an old comrade from SDS, Mike Klonsky, run the Small Schools Workshop to mentor and provide guidance and technical support to educators seeking to start small schools,” The Chicago Tribune reported on Sept. 16, 2001… 
The August 26, 1977 New York Times, citing Klonsky as leader of the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist), reported that he was one of only five Americans other than Secretary of State Vance and former President Richard Nixon and two Chinese-American scientists to have met with new Chinese Communist Party Chairman Hua Kuo-feng.
According to publicly available IRS 990 documents, the Small Schools Workshop that Klonsky ran with Bill Ayers received at least $800,000 from the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) between 1998 and 2002. Obama chaired the CAC. 

Posted under Commentary by Jillian Becker on Monday, October 27, 2008

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