The struggle against Donald Trump to implement the Great Reset 110

The extreme measures that the Democrats now in (fraudulently gained) power are taking to destroy Donald Trump, are a measure of their dread of him, with his ability to triumph over their anti-America, anti-Western-civilization agenda. And the intensity of passion they bring to their campaign against him is a measure of that indestructible ability of his to accomplish what they dread.


What is the agenda that they fear Trump will derail?

Their end, their objective, seems to be to establish a class in power to govern in perpetuity. For this forecast, we’ll call it their UberGovernment (UB).

This seems to be what is visualized: The UB’s domain will be the whole world. Nation-states will be abolished, so nations themselves will be gone. A homogeneous world population* will be created by the forcing of conformity and obedience. Disobedience, and even mere disagreement, will be severely punished – so severely as to terrify the bravest – until uniformity of both action and opinion prevails unchallenged. Food and other necessities will be provided or withheld according to judgment of worthiness by UB agents.

The present population of the world (over 7 billion) will be reduced to, and kept to, an approximate half-billion. To achieve this ideal, reproduction will be by permit only and all unpermitted conceptions will be aborted. Also these measures will be taken: the normalization of infanticide; the “transgendering” – ie. the sterilization – of all persons not explicitly granted the right to reproduce; the criminalization of marriage except between “subjects” (persons) of the same sex. Cohabitation will be allowed only to (same sex) married couples or groups, or as a temporary arrangement for qualified adults to have sexual relations with pre-pubescent children. Subjects will be chosen to donate sperm or give birth. Only artificial insemination will be allowed.

Many large volumes would be needed to describe in full the political system that will be established as a Great Reset, but here are a few more examples of intention:

Subjects will be told not only what they must do, but also what they may not do or have unless qualified. Qualification will be according to a UB point system, as it is now under the Communist government of China.

Access to pre-censored knowledge will be rationed and distributed to eligible subjects according to strict criteria. UB will lay down what is true and untrue. It will issue its accounts of present events daily, and its versions of past events – “history” – whenever it deems it necessary.

Access to medical treatment will be available according to points qualification. Time of death for subjects surviving past the age of 70 will be decided by UB panels and the eliminations carried out by licensed executioners.

Unless Donald Trump somehow regains the presidency of the United States, the agenda will be realized. It has advanced swiftly with the co-operation of the Biden Administration and the “Power on the Mountain” – the World Economic Forum (WEF) – with the support of the UN and under the leadership of Der Führer Klaus Schwab.

However, “perpetuity” won’t after all be a very long time. Socialism does not, cannot, work as an economic system. It’s amazing that the Soviet Union managed to last for about 70 years. The Schwabian world  will disintegrate into hundred of thousands of tribes, with the chieftains making war on each other over territorial claims. Life will be “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short”.


*The present campaign by the woke for “diversity” is a pretense. By “diversity” they mean “non-white”. Anyone who is not white is  “a diversity”. As  the Great Reset world population will consist only of “diversities”, it will be non-diversified, ie. homogeneous. In addition, all “subjects” will be as alike as a phalanx of Communist Chinese soldiers.

Image result for picture o f the chinese soldiers | Military nurses, Military, Parades

Posted under world government by Jillian Becker on Friday, August 19, 2022

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In defense of Trumpist conservatism 276

This article by William Voegeli at the Claremont Review of Books is presented as a review of The Conservative Sensibility by George Will, but reads as the author’s own animadversions on contemporary conservatism. The Right Now, it is titled.

We found very little in it to agree with. But we confine ourselves to arguing against a few passages which we consider most mistaken.


Trump could be seen as a culmination, revealing intentions and qualities inherent in the conservative enterprise all along. [That] interpretation is one shared by some of Trump’s conservative admirers as well as nearly all of Trump and conservatism’s most vehement critics. “If Trumpism was the Right’s end point,” asks historian Timothy Shenk, co-editor of Dissent magazine, “then wasn’t it an act of naïvety—maybe even complicity—to pretend there was more to [conservatism’s] story than crude bigotry?”

What “crude bigotry”? Not a trace of it in Trump or – therefore – in Trumpism. But Voegeli does not contest the allegation.


The Never Trump differences with the larger part of the Republican Party and conservative movement are profound, but its objections to the progressive agenda are increasingly difficult to specify. The main problem, as Never Trumpers see it, seems to be that progressivism is bad politics rather than bad governance. As Bulwark policy editor Mona Charen recently complained, Democrats’ ineptitude and the power of their far-left wing prevents the party from discharging its “overriding obligation”, which is to keep “the Q-Anon-indulging, Putin-friendly, truth-optional, insurrectionist party from returning to power”.

Surely Voegeli should declare with indignation that the Republican Party is not “Q-Anon-indulging, Putin-friendly, truth-optional, insurrectionist”.

And what are those “profound” differences? Do they exist? Or is Never Trumpism nothing more than shallow personal antipathy?


[E]very Biden proposal approved by Congress and deplored by conservatives—every executive branch appointment and policy decision rendered by those officials, every judicial appointment and ruling delivered by those jurists over the next 40 years, every spending increase crammed into a reconciliation bill—could have been prevented or mitigated if Trump had displayed a modicum of responsibility, restraint, and intelligence. What are we trying to conserve? Well, significantly less now than there would have been but for Trump’s signature blend of solipsism and nihilism.

Neither solipsism nor nihilism characterize Trump. Nothing could be further from him than either of these isms, and nothing could be further from his followers than nihilism.

When was he irresponsible?

Restraint? Did he not show restraint  – especially in foreign relations, and when he might have used the military to quell the murderous violence of Leftist mobs in (for instance) Seattle, Portland and Baltimore and did not (perhaps unfortunately).

As for intelligence – was it unintelligent rulership that gave us four years of prosperity, dissuaded foreign dictators from aggression, and made an astonishing rapprochement between Israel and certain Arab powers?


This dereliction of a party leader’s duties is a miniature of Trump’s dereliction of a national leader’s duties. Despite Trump’s outsized personality, Trumpism started out as about something—above all, repudiating Bush-era nation-building, entitlement reform, and immigration amnesty. Some of what Trump promised got done, while most of it proved harder than he made it sound in 2016. But since Election Day 2020, “All that is left of Trumpism are Trump’s grievances and aspirations,” as Michael Brendan Dougherty wrote this year in National Review. The entirety of Trump’s agenda now is to “restore his tarnished honor and make credible his belief in his own victory”.

Trump’s “dereliction of a national leader’s duties”? No mention of the unprecedented campaign of sabotage, the sustained lies, the vicious conspiracies hindering him. And If Trump’s own “tarnished honor”, and the victory he won being snatched from him by fraud, obsess him to the exclusion of anything else, why does a massive majority of the Republican Party continue to support him, as is the case?

What else has he proved he cares about? Chiefly: making America great again and saved from global socialism; upholding the rule of law and equality of all before the law; sealing the southern border; encouraging American manufacture; lowering taxes, ending inflation, achieving full employment; making America energy independent; augmenting America’s military strength; handling foreign enemies with personal tact while keeping an iron fist in the kid glove; ending racist indoctrination in the public schools and the universities; opposing abortion on demand; preventing the sexualization and prurient corruption of children; and, above all, protecting individual liberty.

If liberty is the highest value – and doesn’t American conservatism hold that it is? – all forms of collectivism are abominable, and the Never Trumpers are politically blind.