Just one of President Trump’s personal superpowers 5

Pool via AP

… driving his enemies insane, says Kurt Schlichter.

We reproduce what got us laughing today – his article at Townhall:

[President Trump] has several superpowers, but his most powerful may be the ability to convince his opponents to defend the least popular possible positions just because he supports them. Not just contrary positions, not just positions that reasonable people can disagree with, but insanely unpopular positions that all normal people look at and are repelled by. There’s not a garbage hill they won’t choose to die on. It’s an incredibly useful superpower to have.

Of course, the most recent one is the 80/20 polling proposition against men pretending to be women and being allowed into women’s intimate spaces to steal their athletic achievements. What lunatic would possibly take the position that it’s OK for some dude with the whole sausage store swinging to walk into your daughter’s locker room and expect to be called Martha? Well, it’s not just one lunatic. It’s a whole party of lunatics. This is a sacred Democrat belief, maybe its most sacred belief. Just the other day, every single Democrat senator voted to continue this nonsense. But in the real world, eight out of 10 normal people understand that it’s insane, and the other 20%, probably half of them, don’t agree with the majority because they can’t wrap their minds around the fact that it’s actually happening.

Of course, Trump opposes it, and of course, he rubbed it in their faces at that glorious not-State of the Union address the other night. Naturally, the Democrats highlighted their embrace of this bizarre, creepy fringe belief system right in front of 36 million Americans. It’s no wonder that 76% of the people who watched the thing supported the president. Politically, it’s just insane to draw the battle lines about weirdos and perverts, but the Democrats do it. It kind of tells you what their main constituency is – weirdos and perverts and the SSRI [anti-depressants] ridden, Chardonnay wine Munchhausen Mommies that love them.

Embracing it makes absolutely no sense politically unless their entire focus is maintaining their psychotic leftist activist base. And, of course, their entire focus is maintaining their psychotic leftist activist base. You might think they would reach out in a systematic way to normal people, and some have tried. Gavin Newsom, the guy whose unalloyed support for kiddie castration and against penis-free female environments helped make California the sexual confusion capital of America, recently went on with Charlie Kirk and hinted that, well, you know, maybe it’s kinda unfair to let some hairy ape pretending to be a ballerina win the gold medal in a girl track meet. Don’t get the idea that he is actually going to do anything about it. California is still a gender freak state where every pervert is a king, and every normal person is liable to be leered at in the locker room – and, in his trash state, if you complain that some dude in a skirt is drooling over you while you slip on your panties, you’re a hate criminal. Other Democrats have realized that this is electoral cyanide, and they’ve tried to thread the needle by suggesting that maybe local governments should decide whether the perverts rule or not. They don’t think that about anything else, like abortion, just this, and they don’t really think it. If they get federal power back, you can be sure that the full force of law will come down in support of weirdo transvestites getting a free pass at exposing themselves to little girls.

Trump is somehow able to maneuver them into being all for such loathsome demographics as federal workers. Yeah, Americans feel sorry for the kind of person who tells them they can’t sign their VA form in blue ink. Not a lotta sympathy there. And Americans seem to like the idea of cutting government waste. Sure, the Democrats insist that we’re about to launch a Third World genocide by refusing to fully fund Ecuadorian transgender mime troupes, but normal people look at that and hear that it’s being cut, and they think it’s a good thing. This is because it is, objectively, a good thing. To support this stuff is, objectively, an insane thing.

Now, it’s not crazy in the sense that doing so does support the Democrat position that all normality and civilization must be overthrown in favor of the bizarre, creepy freak show utopia that they hope to impose upon us. It’s insane because it’s electoral poison. Look at what happened to Kamala Harris when she got up there and had to try and tap dance about subsidizing illegal alien transsexual surgeries. It’s hard to explain this sort of stuff, and it should be hard because this sort of stuff is stupid and horrific. A few Democrats understand that this stuff repels normal people. That’s their problem. And that’s Trump’s edge.

What’s the latest? Some Third World Muslim scumbag terrorist-lover who somehow got into our country and somehow got into one of our allegedly prestigious schools is using that as a base to demand the murder of Jews and everybody else. Remember – they don’t just want to stop [at] killing all the Jews. They want to kill you and me, too. They will tell you that if you listen, and thanks to the fact that we have broken the gatekeeping model of the regime media, conservative media, and social media can now tell you. You can go read what this scumbag’s positions are. He wants October 7 all over the world. That means you and your kids and your sons and your daughters are being raped and murdered on videotape for the delight of Third World semi-humans. Yeah, we’re totally morally obligated to let this creature onto our soil.

It’s been said before: The Constitution is not a suicide pact.

Now, the reasonable position among Americans is that this kind of walking, talking pile of refried goat excrement shouldn’t be anywhere near our country. It’s not a matter of free speech. You don’t get to come here and start setting up your garbage revolution. Do the Democrats agree with that view? No. They’re perfectly happy to let the genocidal jihadi to do his thing. In this monster, they have finally found some “free speech” they’re concerned with protecting. They were never concerned with free speech on campus when it was conservatives trying to speak freely. They were never concerned when the federal government launched a pogrom against normal Americans who went to protest a bogus election and dared to walk through the Capitol that they own. Even now, Democrats are positively gleeful that Elon Musk’s participation in our government is being met by leftist-funded terrorists burning down Tesla stores. But this Hamas-sucking mutant who literally wants to murder you and your entire family? No, he’s got to be here. He’s got to get a free megaphone. He has every right to come here and destroy our country and kill your kids. Because of reasons and shut up, fascist.

That’s the Democrat position. But why do they hold such a manifestly politically unpopular position? Because that’s what the black, shriveled heart of the Democrat Party believes. And also because Donald Trump feels differently. One thing is for certain – Donald Trump’s superpower is in full effect, and right now, he’s laughing.

Posted under Humor, United States by Jillian Becker on Thursday, March 13, 2025

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A looming constitutional crisis? 1

If President Biden actually signed no documents throughout his term except just one – as is now alleged – will we experience America’s biggest ever constitutional crisis?

From an article by Matt Margolis at PJ Media:

The Biden presidency might have been the greatest con job ever perpetrated on the American people. A shocking investigation by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project has revealed that virtually every document bearing Joe Biden’s signature during his presidency was signed by an autopen — except for one.

What makes this revelation particularly damning is that the only document confirmed to have Biden’s actual signature was his letter announcing his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race. Let that sink in for a moment.

Remember when House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) revealed his discussion with Biden when Biden couldn’t recall signing the executive order halting LNG exports? Now we know why — he probably didn’t. The real question is: Who did? Who was running the country while Biden was not all there?

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey is demanding that the Department of Justice investigate whether Biden’s obvious cognitive decline allowed unelected bureaucrats to essentially run the government without presidential oversight.

If this is true every executive order, every pardon, and every official action taken under Biden’s name could be constitutionally void.

The evidence is overwhelming. We know that Biden’s handlers desperately tried to prevent anyone from meeting with him one-on-one. Even Democratic insiders admit the truth. DNC fundraiser Lindy Li recently spilled the beans and acknowledged that Biden wasn’t running the show; his staff, his wife, and Hunter were.

The implications are staggering. We essentially had a presidency by proxy, with unelected staffers wielding presidential power while the man himself was barely cognizant enough to read a teleprompter.

This isn’t just a scandal; it’s potentially the biggest constitutional crisis in American history.

Who wielded the autopen?

If this allegation is found to be  true – what will happen? We eagerly await developments.

Islamnazism 1


Ariel (3) and Kfir (9 months) with their mother Shiri

From the linked article:

After 503 days in captivity, the remains of Oded Lifshitz, Ariel Bibas, and Kfir Bibas were returned, alongside a fourth body that was not that of Shiri Bibas. The fate of Shiri remains unknown, leaving her family and the entire country in a state of anguish and rage. But this was not just another tragedy—this was barbarism.

Forensic reports have now confirmed what we all feared: Hamas did not just abduct these children; they brutally murdered them in captivity in November 2023. Kfir Bibas was just ten months old. Ariel was four. The two children were brutally murdered [by hand strangulation] in captivity by terrorists in November 2023, just a month after their abduction.

The terrorists who carried out these acts are monsters, devoid of any human decency. This was not collateral damage, not an unfortunate consequence of war—this was intentional, cold-blooded murder.

The world must know the truth. Hamas did not just take hostages; they slaughtered infants in the darkness of their tunnels, then callously returned the wrong body [instead of the body of the children’s mother Shiri] in a twisted mockery of basic humanity.

Their cruelty knows no bounds. They paraded our children’s remains like trophies, and then, as if to add another layer of horror, they failed to even return their mother’s body.

Those who have called for ceasefires, who have demanded negotiations with Hamas, must now ask themselves: How do you negotiate with monsters? How do you make peace with those who murder babies and celebrate their deaths? Hamas-supporting parents and their children stood by in Gaza, watching the spectacle of Israeli children’s bodies being paraded around [and cheering, rejoicing]. What kind of society allows such evil to flourish?

Israel must respond with the full force of its power. This is no longer just about retrieving hostages; this is about eradicating a force of pure evil. There is no justification, no rationalization, and no compromise to be made with those who revel in the suffering of innocents.

Every remaining terrorist must know that there will be no safe haven, no escape from justice.

The flame of hope must not be extinguished, but it must now be accompanied by the fire of retribution. The return of our hostages is still our sacred mission, but we must also ensure that those responsible for these atrocities are met with absolute destruction.

                                                                                                                                                                     Oded and Yocheved Lifshitz
Update February 22, 2025:
The body of Shiri Bibas has now been returned to Israel. She was strangled to death and her body fiercely mutilated post mortem, as were her two small children.   

Posted under Islam, Israel by Jillian Becker on Friday, February 21, 2025

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Auschwitz under Gaza 1

Giulio Meotti writes at Israel National News:

That the liberal conscience of the West remains indifferent to the images of Israeli Jews freed from the captivity of Islamic terrorists is aberrant and alarming. It seems that not even the crimes that echo the darkest moments of the 20th century are enough to break the cultural frivolity and moral narcissism of our times.

Hamas placed an hourglass on the stage in Gaza with the photos of the hostage Matan Zangauker and his mother Einav, under the caption: “Time is running out.”

The mothers of hostages are also psychologically tortured. “Time is running out” is the slogan of the hostages’ families forum. Islamic fundamentalists are very skilled readers of the Western psyche.

Romi Gonen only started eating three weeks after she was released by Hamas, her mother, Meirav, said. One of the first things she noticed about her daughter when she returned from 471 days in captivity was “her long, sticking out fingers”.

The hostages were held in extremely unsanitary conditions, full of lice, bedbugs, mold and fungi.

“The Jews are starving us,” Hamas shouted, winning over half of the West, when in reality Hamas was starving the Jews. Gaza is a ghetto, the Western idiots said.

The truth is that under Gaza there is a concentration camp.

For over a year, the entire international community danced to the tune of propaganda about the “famine” in Gaza. Then Hamas showed what they wanted the world to see: evidence of their cruelty, worn on the faces and bodies of those they have tormented since October 7.

The Red Cross has never even pretended to care about the fate of the Israeli hostages held by Hamas. When the mother of one of the hostages begged the Red Cross to try to deliver the medicine her daughter needed every day, Red Cross officials scolded her: “Think about the Palestinian side.”

Meanwhile, three hostages arrived from Gaza with high jutting cheekbones, sunken eyes, prominent collarbones, muscle wasting: where is the scandal?

Or Levy was kept in tunnels almost all the time, was allowed to shower only every few months, was barefoot for 491 days and wore shoes for the first time on the day of his release.

The hostages were subjected to severe torture during their captivity, both physical and psychological. They were strangled, tied up, gagged with cloth until they suffocated, hung upside down and burned with a hot object. One of the hostages revealed that he had been shackled. “I was handcuffed in a dark tunnel, without air or light. I could not walk or stand, only before my release did my captors remove the shackles, forcing me to learn to walk again.”

Sagui Dekel-Chen, who was kidnapped while fighting terrorist invaders with his kibbutz security team on October 7, 2023, was held in a Gaza hospital for the first few weeks of his captivity. He was “tortured during interrogation” by the terrorists and has scars on his body to prove it.

The captors ate in front of the hostages and denied them food, and sometimes forced the hostages to watch them choosing who would eat and who would not.

Hamas showed kidnapped Israeli soldiers videos of their fellow prisoners being tortured.

Daniella Gilboa’s father says: “Some days, they were fed animal feed: inedible scraps of dirty vegetables and a kind of hard flour.”

I don’t think it’s just Hamas that is a threat to Western civilization. It’s the entire Palestinian Arab cause, as it has been for half a century.

Gadi Mozes, who turned eighty in Hamas hands and was released three weeks ago, was held alone for the entire 482 days he was held by the terrorists.

Keith Siegel recalled being dragged 33 times through tunnels and dark buildings. Among Keith’s hiding places was a family home with a Gazan family and children, but where he was locked in a room.

Israeli News 12 testimony from a recently released female hostage: “She was held captive by a married father with multiple wives. He was a senior commander in the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and was extremely abusive, beyond words. He turned her into a house slave.”

Hamas not only beat and caged Yarden Bibas, but also tortured him by beating him and giving him false updates on the fate of his family, his wife and two children.

Adam Berger said his daughter, Agam, witnessed physical abuse while in captivity. “Sometimes they tortured other female hostages in front of her eyes.”

Many were given “cloths soaked in cold water” to wash themselves.

Daniella Gilboa returned with a bullet still in her leg.

Army spokesman Daniel Hagari climbed into the hole where Hersh Goldberg Polin, Eden Yerushalmi, Carmel Gat, Ori Danino, Almog Sarusi, Alex Lobanov were detained and killed in cold blood. From a children’s room decorated with Mickey Mouse, he descended into a hole where it is impossible to stand: bottles of urine and a bucket for toilets, bottles of water for drinking and washing, women’s clothes on the floor, a Koran, the blood of six young people. Hagari said that the prisoners were reduced to a minimal weight, about thirty kilos – like in Auschwitz.

Many children released after two months had had their legs branded with motorcycle exhaust pipes.

A freed Thai worker says that the Israeli hostages he was held prisoner with were savagely beaten with electric cables.

Two teenagers were forced to perform sexual acts on each other. Women were sexually abused and forced to undress in front of everyone, tied to the bed, threatened, pulled by the hair. Whipped. This is contained in the report of the Israeli Ministry of Health released in December.

But our progressives do not seem very shaken by the disturbing similarities with the events that shook pre-war Europe.

They are hereby warned: the new Hitler Islamonazis have promised all the “infidels” the paradise in the shadow of the sword.

Posted under Islam by Jillian Becker on Friday, February 21, 2025

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Americans come home 1

Victor Davis Hanson sums up what President Trump and his chosen lieutenants have liberated us from:

There’s been a lot of false information—what the Left calls misinformation, disinformation—about what’s going on in these first 30 days. It hasn’t even been 30 days. It’s reminiscent of FDR’s first hundred days, and they call it the MAGA revolution.

It’s not a revolution. It is a counterrevolution. There’s a big difference. This is a restoration. Let’s use the word “Trump restoration”.

We don’t know really—we don’t really appreciate what we’ve been through with eight years of the Obama revolution and the four-year, more radical third term of Barack Obama, using or employing the wax effigy of Joe Biden. A revolution that we’ve experienced was a cultural, economic, political, social revolution.

It was very similar to the French Revolution under the Robespierre brothers. You should remember what they tried to do. They changed the days of the week. They renamed things. They tore down statues. They went after the churches. Does this sound familiar?

This revolution that we’ve experienced—everything was up for sale. Everything was negotiable. We invented a third gender and rammed it down people’s throats. We tore down statues. We said 1776 was no longer the foundational date. It was 1619.

We changed the very mechanism that we vote. We went from 70% of the electorate voting on Election Day to 70% of the electorate not doing that, either through mail-in or early voting. That was a radical change that had no discussion. It was done by fiat. It was incredible.

We looked at girls sports and we destroyed it. We said that transgendered biological males that were now transgendered females could compete. They won over 600 medals they took away from hardworking female athletes. We had drag shows among young children. It was an effort to change the entire Constitution. We forget that.

They were trying to bring in Puerto Rico as a state and Washington, D.C., to get four instant senators. They were proud, they said, that they were going to pack the Supreme Court. Hadn’t been done—hadn’t been tried since 1937. And it was an object of disgrace ever since but they were proud to try it again.

They talked about making states—the Senate look like the House. They wanted—and a lot of them were advocating, it was not fair that one senator in Wyoming, to take one example, is worth 250,000 votes but a senator in California represented 20 million. They wanted to change the makeup of the Senate.

They wanted to get rid of the Senate filibuster. Remember that.

They wanted to bring back neo-Confederate nullification. Six hundred jurisdictions, in the manner of South Carolina in 1832, or on the edge of the Civil War in 1860, when Confederate, neo-Confederate Southern states said, “The federal government’s law does not apply to us. Tariffs, Yankee tariffs—no, no. We are going to override them.” Andrew Jackson almost invaded the Carolinas over that—South Carolina.

And so these jurisdictions said, “Federal law doesn’t apply here. We’re exempt. We have our own laws. You cannot—federal immigration law does not apply here. It applies everywhere else, to you, you, you, but not to us.”

So this was a revolutionary movement. Movies were different. Sports were different. Take a knee.

And Donald Trump came in and it was not sufficient to say we’re going to stop the madness of $37 billion. We’re going to stop the madness of being short 40,000 or 50,000 military recruits because of this DEI coupled with the amelioration and Kabul. We’re going to stop the appeasement of China.

But that wasn’t all. He said, “The government is broke. We’re going to go through all of these agencies. And finally, for the first time in the history of this country, when somebody says they’re going to cut federal spending and drain the swamp or cut the administrative—we’re going to do it. And there’s going to be no changing names, except to go back to traditional names, and we’re not going to topple statues. And if you break the law and you’re on campus and you’re on a student visa, you’re gonna go back home.”

So we’re in the midst of a counterrevolution. It’s not revolutionary. You know what it is? It’s a return to normalcy. It’s a return to common sense. It only looks revolutionary to revolutionaries. But to the rest of the people, it is a counterrevolution to restore normalcy and bring the country from the far-left fringes back home again.

                                                                               Trump’s Counterrevolution in Washington

Posted under United States, US Constitution by Jillian Becker on Thursday, February 20, 2025

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Trump the Great Liberator 1

President Trump’s inaugural address, January 20, 2025. LIBERATION DAY.

Posted under government, History, Populism, United States, US Constitution by Jillian Becker on Tuesday, January 21, 2025

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President Trump bestrides the world 3

… while his official presidency is still in the womb of time.

Though not yet inaugurated, Donald Trump is already acting effectively as president of the US and as world leader.

Ward Clark writes at RedState:

[W]hile doddering old Joe Biden is falling asleep in his chair in Africa, Donald Trump is out meeting with world leaders – and they are anxiously awaiting their turn to meet with him.

That’s what presidents do. In the latest example, Acting President Trump attended the re-opening of Notre Dame cathedral in Paris on Saturday, and did so alongside France’s President Emmanuel Macron, where the two exchanged friendly remarks. ..

Meanwhile, Joe Biden is falling asleep at meetings, stumbling, mumbling, growing more and more befuddled and confused by the day. When he’s not napping on the beach in Delaware, he’s napping during summits with other national leaders. It’s downright embarrassing and has been for some time now.

The contrast could scarcely be more stark. …

[D]espite being in his late 70s himself, Donald Trump is energetic, sharp, and focused. He is already taking steps, and already talking to other world leaders; more importantly, other world leaders are coming to the South White House at Mar-a-Lago to speak with him. Trump has, after all, been in this chair before. He knows what he wants to do. He knows that the establishment and the entrenched bureaucracy, who hold real power in Washington, will oppose him every step of the way – and he seems prepared to slug it out. It’s becoming apparent that his second term will be very different than his first.

It’s going to be fun to watch.

It’s going to be wonderful to watch. Encouraging. Exciting.

People … people … everywhere are rightly in awe of the most powerful man in the world, who is also friendly, dependable though totally unpredictable, proud but with no snobbery in him, and with a glorious sense of humor all his own.

Posted under France, United States by Jillian Becker on Sunday, December 8, 2024

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What Trump’s glorious victory could mean 4

After November 5, 2024:

The Master has come home again and from January 20, 2025, will hear your complaints. Will judge. Will reward or condemn.

Americans will be free again. More prosperous. Happier.

The economy will be reset to approach a free market ideal. Taxes will be lowered. Inflation will fall.

The border will be sealed. Illegal criminal aliens will be deported.

Children will be safe from the costly and unnecessary surgeon’s knife.

No babies will be killed in the womb or abandoned to die after birth.

US energy – fossil fuel and nuclear – will be used at home and exported.

No biological males will compete in women’s sports.

Candidates for university entrance, jobs, government appointments will be selected according to merit. Color, race, gender will not be criteria of choice.

Education will be revived, indoctrination stopped.

Technology will serve the people not destroy them.

The military will be servants of the nation again.

Wars will stop. Terrorism will be ended.

Globalism will be laughed at and dumped.

The UN will be destroyed.

Are we sure?

Well, maybe not all of this will be accomplished immediately. But eventually? Oh, of course.

Posted under Economics, Globalism, government, Tax, Technology, Terrorism, United Nations, United States, War by Jillian Becker on Thursday, November 7, 2024

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The English political hero-martyr Tommy Robinson 1

The excellent Bruce Bawer writes at FrontPage:

In the last few days a new chapter has been added to the storied saga of the 41-year-old British activist, author, and citizen journalist Tommy Robinson. On Friday, upon his return to Britain after several weeks abroad, he was taken into police custody – an event he had expected and discussed publicly before flying back home – and charged with several “offenses.” One of the charges, contempt of court, relates to his documentary Silenced, which premiered in July at a screening in Trafalgar Square and has been viewed on X more than 50 million times. In that documentary, Tommy gathered ample witness testimony showing that Jamal Hijazi, a Syrian refugee portrayed in the British media as the victim of bullying at the school he attended in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, in 2018, was not a victim but was, in fact, himself a bully – and a rather horrible one, at that.

What, then, was Tommy’s crime? He’d been ordered by a judge not to contradict the official narrative about Hijazi – specifically, not to describe him as “aggressive and bullying” or as “threatening,” even if he was aggressive and bullying and threatening. A second contempt-of-court charge was leveled at Tommy for several related “offenses,” such as discussing the Hijazi case in an interview with Jordan Peterson, holding that July screening in Trafalgar Square, and posting Silenced on X and YouTube. In addition to the contempt charges, Tommy was charged under the Terrorism Act for refusing to provide the police with access to the contents of his mobile phone, which include material that would compromise his sources.

On Saturday, supporters of Tommy held a “Unite the Kingdom” rally in London, turning out in such significant numbers that, as the Guardian put it, “the demonstration spilled out from its meeting point around Victoria Station.” The Guardian made sure to point out that the protesters, many of whom were treated to an outdoor screening of his new documentary, Lawfare, were “mostly male, white and middle-aged” (all bad things, of course) and that many of them were waving Union Jacks (that most toxic of items). Meanwhile counter-protesters took part in a rally arranged by a leftist group called Stand Up to Racism.

Aside from his documentaries, Tommy has also written (and self-published) a couple of books. Enemy of the State (2015) is an autobiography that focuses on his demonization by the British government, which finds his determination to expose monstrous Islamic crimes inconvenient, distasteful, and threatening to “community cohesion.” His second book, written with Peter McLoughlin, is entitled Muhammed’s Koran (2017). His newest, Manifesto: Free Speech, Real Democracy, Peaceful Disobedience, also written with McLoughlin, came out on October 4, but when I looked for it on Amazon UK it was identified as being “currently unavailable.” After trying to find some other way of acquiring the book online, I was finally able to secure a copy through the good offices of a friend of mine who is also a chum of Tommy’s. (On October 25, Tommy – or somebody – posted at his X account that orders for the book could be placed at a dedicated website and that new copies would be available this week.)

What to say about Manifesto? Put it this way: the authors show that Tommy’s previous topics – the reality of the Islamic threat and the British government’s determination to crush Islam’s critics – are only two details in a much bigger picture. In the U.S., the MAGA movement is a rebellion against America’s unelected but powerful Deep State, a.k.a. The Swamp, which has its equivalents in pretty much every Western country. And as Tommy and McLoughlin note, it’s been around, at least in the U.K., for a long time. Two centuries ago, the English writer William Cobbett (1763-1835) called it “The Thing”; in America, a century or so later, Jack London (1876-1916), of Call of the Wild fame, coined his own name for it – “The Oligarchy” – in the obscure 1908 novel The Iron Heel. Throughout Manifesto, Tommy and McLoughlin use this term to describe the Deep State of our own day, mostly in the U.K.

To be sure, they do devote a degree of attention to “The Oligarchy” in America and other countries – for example the Netherlands, where Pim Fortuyn, a fierce opponent of the immigration policy of the Dutch establishment, was murdered on May 6, 2002, only days before an election after which he probably would have become prime minister. His killer was routinely identified in the Dutch media as an animal-rights activist, but he also despised Fortuyn’s criticism of Islam, hence the assassination. Shockingly, the killer was released from prison after only twelve years and allowed to take a new name under which he could start a new life. As Tommy and McLoughlin point out, theories about possible Deep State involvement in Fortuyn’s murder – theories not unlike those that have been proffered for decades by researchers into the JFK assassination – are now being served up by Dutch commentators.

But Tommy and McLoughlin’s major emphasis is on The Oligarchy in Britain. One fact of which many Americans have become aware since the beginning of the Trump era is that our own Swamp creatures aren’t exclusively Democrats; on the contrary, Deep State operatives – whether they work on Capitol Hill, or for a think tank, or at the FBI or CIA or DoD or IRS, or as lobbyists, or in the legacy media or military-industrial complex – can be found in both major parties. The same is true in Britain, where the Tories held power from 2010 to 2024 without doing anything significant to reform the scandalously mediocre NHS, to reduce the country’s sky-high immigration levels, to address the Muslim “grooming [i.e. child rape] gangs” that can be found in cities all over England, or to protect critics of Islam from arrest, prosecution, and imprisonment.

Things were, as Tommy and McLoughlin observe, scarcely different a century ago. The playwright George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), revered, then as now, by Britain’s cultural elite, was nominally a socialist; the politician Oswald Mosley (1896-1980), reviled, then as now, by the same cultural elite, was nominally a fascist. But there was really little in the way of an ideological gap between them. Both admired Hitler and Mussolini; both looked kindly upon the idea of eugenics-based extermination (in 1938, GBS published a newspaper article entitled “Heil Hitler”); both advocated for a welfare state that limited individual rights. In fact both GBS and Mosley were Fabians – members of the organization, established in 1884, that called for a gradual transformation of the U.K. into a hard-core socialist state and that, not incidentally, founded the London School of Economics (LSE).

In other words, both Shaw and Mosley, whether you want to call them fascists or socialists, were at the big-government end of the political spectrum – the spectrum, that is, on which the important distinction lies – and were therefore the ideological forebears of the likes of Tony Blair, who in 2006 unveiled a window at the LSE that openly celebrated the Fabians, including the Hitler–loving GBS. At the other end of that spectrum were people like the brilliant politician and scholar Enoch Powell (1912-1998) – whose brave, prophetic dissent from The Oligarchy’s mass- immigration policy in his 1968 “Rivers of Blood” speech led to his immediate expulsion from the political elite and his labeling as a “fascist.” In reality, Powell was no more a fascist than Donald Trump is – on the contrary, he was, like Trump, a patriot and a populist who was deeply concerned about the deleterious impact of Deep State policies on the native inhabitants of his own country.

Also at the small-government end of the spectrum, needless to say, was Margaret Thatcher, who, Tommy and McLoughlin suggest, was expelled from the prime ministership because she’d started to challenge the growing power of the EU. They also speculate that if Thatcher had managed to triumph over the coup that removed her from power, she might well, within the next few years, have acted upon Powell’s warnings and restricted immigration dramatically – an action that would have made today’s Britain a very different country indeed from the one that is, thanks to The Oligarchy, well on its way to having a minority British population.

Granted, the overall message of Manifesto – about the perils of rule by a globalist, authoritarian elite and the drastic need for a democratic, populist shake-up – will hardly be new to readers of this website. And the voice throughout most of the book, if it matters to you, sounds less like that of Tommy, a plainspoken working-class bloke, and more like that of a historical scholar – in this instance, McLoughlin, who has an academic background and has written a book about Oliver Cromwell and another entitled The Pattern of History and Fate of Humanity. No matter who wrote what in Manifesto, however, the value of this book lies not in its main argument but in its many illuminating specifics – from its perceptive account of the enduring significance of Orwell’s Animal Farm (1945) to the long, highly detailed chapter pondering the relevance of the gold standard, cryptocurrencies, and other economic phenomena to the mechanisms by which the Deep State exercises its control.

But, alas, some of the branches of The Oligarchy – in this case, the publishing houses that refused to put out Manifesto and the bookstores that refuse to stock it – are doing their best to make it difficult for you to get a copy of it. Meanwhile, other branches – namely the police and judiciary – are intent on barring you from being able to hear Tommy. On Monday morning, a court hearing was held to determine whether Tommy – who has previously served long, hellish terms behind bars after “trials” that were models of injustice, and who was most recently arrested this past June in Canada after giving a speech in Calgary – would yet again be sent to prison.

At the hearing, which took place at Woolrich Crown Court in London, the prosecution maintained that this case wasn’t about Tommy’s politics or “even directly a case about freedom of expression,” but rather “about the disobedience to a court order, and the undermining of the rule of law that goes with that” – never mind that the court order itself was preposterous. When the judge [Sir Jeremy Charles Johnson, 53] issued his ruling, he read it, noted Ezra Levant of Rebel News, who was tweeting from the courtroom, “from his computer,” leading Levant to wonder: “How can he do that, given that there was literally no pause at all after the submissions by the lawyers? Did he pre-write this? How does that work?” Good questions.

And what was the ruling? No surprise: Tommy was sentenced to 18 months in prison, of which he will serve half – probably in solitary confinement, given that British prisons are dominated and controlled by Muslim gangsters, who would tear him to bits otherwise. In short, in a country that is scared to properly punish the Muslim rapists he’s exposed, Tommy is essentially being sentenced once again to the Hotel Graybar for telling a truth of which The Oligarchy disapproves. As Levant put it, “In the U.K., the government is now the arbiter of truth.” Of course George Orwell, whom Tommy and McLoughlin discuss in Manifesto, saw all of this coming in 1984, in which the role of Oceania’s Ministry of Truth is to disseminate lies and suppress facts.

Oh, well. Yet another disgraceful day for British justice – and the beginning of yet another season in hell for Tommy Robinson. What can you do? If you haven’t done it already, start by watching Silenced online – and thank Elon Musk for not having taken it down. And what else can you do? Ponder what my friend Valerie Price of Act for Canada wrote to me about Tommy the other day: “He is my personal hero and yet it must be said that all he has done to become heroic is something that we all can do, should do, and must do: he has spoken the truth.”

Posted under Britain, Canada, immigration, Muslims, United Kingdom, United States by Jillian Becker on Tuesday, October 29, 2024

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Hamas leader Sinwar killed by Israeli Defense Forces 1

The leader of the Hamas savages who invaded Israel and perpetrated the atrocities of October 7, 2023, has been killed by Israeli forces. 

Joel B. Pollak writes at Breitbart:

The IDF suspected that Sinwar may have been inadvertently killed after soldiers directed tank fire at a building in which three terrorists had been spotted. Afterwards, infantry soldiers discovered, to their surprise, a body that resembled Sinwar.

The body was taken to Israel for further examination, including dental, DNA, and fingerprint verification. It is unclear how many of these checks were completed before Israeli officials concluded that the dead body was indeed Sinwar’s.

According to Israel’s Army Radio, Sinwar was found with passports on his body, as well as a quantity of cash. He was apparently trying to flee Gaza to Egypt, leaving Hamas and the Palestinian people behind as he attempted to escape.

Sinwar was once thought to have surrounded himself with hostages to prevent Israel from killing him in an airstrike. On Thursday it was revealed that those hostages were the ones executed in a tunnel in late August, including U.S. citizen Hersh Goldberg-Polin, as Israeli soldiers closed in. Sinwar had evidently been on the run ever since.

His body was found next to those of senior Hamas commanders known to be close to him.

The Biden-Harris administration had, just days earlier, threatened Israel with an arms embargo unless it did more to “surge” aid into Gaza and trimmed its military operations there. Harris had also pushed for a ceasefire earlier in the war, even before the release of hostages had been achieved. Other nations, such as France, had called for an arms embargo to stop the war.

Sinwar was killed near the Philadelphi corridor in southern Gaza, on the Gaza-Egypt border, an area from which the Biden-Harris administration had been urging Israel to withdraw for a ceasefire deal.

Israelis are now hoping Sinwar’s death can bring about the release of the remaining 101 hostages, more than half of whom may still be alive. There are also hopes for an end to the war in Gaza.

Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant declared: “Israel today closed an account of many years’ standing with Yahya Sinwar. The IDF will pursue everyone who harms our people and our forces, and will settle accounts with him.”

One year and ten days after his hellish invasion, the fiend of (secular) SIN and WAR has been killed by Israelis.

A day to celebrate. Annually. 


Noah Pollak writes at X:

If you are celebrating the elimination of Sinwar, you should also be celebrating the premiership of Bibi Netanyahu. No other Israeli leader would have stayed in the fight this long and achieved this victory. Since weeks after 10/7, the pressure on Israel from the Democratic Party, Europe, the UN, the media, the western foreign policy and political establishment, etc, to cut a deal, to agree to a “ceasefire,” to surrender, has been unrelenting and enormous. And for a full year, the leader of a tiny and vulnerable country has resisted and outmaneuvered the pressure to stop fighting. It’s a remarkable achievement, and it’s the real reason Sinwar is dead.

Posted under Israel, Palestinians, War by Jillian Becker on Thursday, October 17, 2024

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